Derrick Brown better then Suh?

Full disclosure: Jim Nagy is a Lions fan and hyping up his Senior Bowl.

Derrick Brown did decline his invitation to the Senior Bowl


A good listen.
I am not really big on overhyping young dudes. I would call the chances of this dude being better than Suh almost zero. Suh is so much better than ppl gave him credit for. Dude was a friggin’ horse. Loved it when he was on our team.


To think the Lions can trade down to 5 and still land him.

My biggest fear is that DET will pass on a trade down and draft player A who then turns into a bust. Then the NYG take the trade. Still get their player who is a perennial probowler.


Yep, we will all be holding our collective breath.

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Totally agree. That doesn’t mean Brown wouldn’t be a great addition or have a good career, but asking a kid to be better than Suh is a tall order.


Seems like a stretch.

I like Brown though and I agree we could use a guy like him.

I’m a big fan of Brown, but the Suh comparisons aren’t really fair. He is 20 lbs heavier than Suh though.


Different kind of player, Brown is more like Shaun Rogers, only a superior talent with a better motor


I honestly don’t think he is better then SUH. I do like that he has a great motor and I like @Guitargod19’s SR analogy.

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Not that I wouldn’t like brown, because I would/do but I don’t agree that he will be better then Suh. Like natty said above Suh doesn’t get the credit he deserves for what he’s tasked with doing. Our defense fell off a cliff after he left like a few predicted it would.


Two totally different players… Two very good players . If both were available in the draft this year and out team was built as is with Snacks mulling retirement and the players we currently roster I could see Brown be selected for US over Suh with the scheme Patricia runs . I can see Brown playing nose in a 3-4 alignment or a DT in 4-3 and both being strengths. Suh a more a 4-3 guy DT and not a nose. Brown wins in versatility …Suh was wrecking ball a guy who strikes fear in an opponent and was nasty. I love that.


Suh put up better stats in his senior year than this kid did in his entire college career.


Suh was a lot better prospect. Some guy that gets paid to create content says no? Yah, sorry. The hype around Suh was HUGE. Nowhere near w this guy.

Total BS.


Stupid …:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:. :grin:
I think the odds are fairly strong for a trade back
This guy sounds like a reasonable target on a trade down

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young–brown—young–brown --young-aaaah i go brown —hope i don’t bite myself in the ass—who do you think we will try to get as a edge rusher when we go d brown over c young—

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Please, Suh was the best I ever saw coming out. Brown is not that flashy, but believe his NFL legacy will surpass Suh’s. If we take him at three, I won’t be pissed.


I will say this. We really are sitting pretty. If Washington trades out, perhaps Young falls in our laps. If not, I love ALL these defenders in shaky order: Okudah CB, Delpit S, Brown DL and Simons LB. There are a quite a few picks that are going to be taken between all those guys. Ripe opportunities to trade down, perhaps a couple times and add even more good players. FA is also defense heavy.

I wouldn’t be mad at all if we traded down and took Brown. If we do, I’ll be toasting to you bro, because you were what one would call an “early adopter” on Brown!


It really would take an act of God for them to screw up with the #3.


Well, there is a first time for everything.

I don’t agree with the Shaun Rogers comparison at all. Rogers was uber-strong and almost 350lbs.
Brown plays a little bit mean like Suh, I think that’s where those comparisons come from but I don’t see the Rogers comparison.