Detroit Lions 2022 contract incentives/escalators

Information is from OTC’s premium section. Most vet contracts include some type of honors incentives. All incentives below are considered Non-Likely To Be Earned (NLTBE), which means they aren’t hitting the 2022 cap even if earned. If incentives are earned, these will be paid at the end of the year and will be a year end adjustments by the NFL in February after Super Bowl. If an escalator is earned, base salary for that year will be adjusted in February after Super Bowl. Below are the highlights.

  • J Goff - $325K Base escalators in 2023 and 2024for Yards/Completion %/TD’s/Passer Rating, $945K for Honors
  • H Vaitai - $500K Base escalators in 2023 (80% Play Time) and 2024 (90% Play Time)
  • R Okwara - $500K 11 sacks plus Up to another $1.5M with sacks plus team playoffs
  • Jamaal Williams - $250K for 1000 rush yards
  • Josh Reynolds - $2M incentives ($250K each) for 50/63/78 receptions, 600/700/800 yards, 6/9 TD’s, $2M in 2023 Base escalators ($250K each) for 50/63/78 receptions, 600/700/800 yards, 6/9 TD’s
  • DJ Chark - Up to $3M incentives for Catches/Yards/TD’s
  • Alex Anzalone - Up to $1.75M for 60%-80% playing time plus team improvement or Top 16 Defense
  • Josh Woods - Up to $700K for 25%-65% playing time
  • CJ Moore - Up to $650K for 25%-65% playing time
  • Evan Brown - Up to $1M for 70%-90% playing time
  • Charles Harris - Up to $1M
  • Tim Boyle - Up to $500K
  • Chris Board - Up to $1.1M
  • Mike Hughes - Up to $1.25M

This may be a tough question but do you get the sense that Brad uses these more than league average, less or just as much?

Likey this structure for a WR 4

Mike Hughes - Likely a defensive playing time incentive, may get a portion of his bonuses, not sure what they are
Chris Board - Likely a defensive playing time incentive, not likely to get any bonuses
Charles Harris - Likely a sack or playing time inventive, not likely to get any bonuses
Evan Brown - At 63% offensive playing time, even if healthy, probably won’t get to 70% for a $500,000 bonus
CJ Moore - None, he was cut and re-signed later
Josh Woods - His playing time bonus was likely for defensive snaps, so none
Alex Anzalone - Gets $500,000 for 73% playing time, another $500,000 60% and team improvement, the other $750K is for a top 16 defense, which won’t happen. So AA is getting another $1M in incentive bonuses
Chark - Probably not, I don’t know the details of the incentives, but given he was out six full games, he likely didn’t meet the incentive threshold
Josh Reynolds - Needs 14 receptions to get to 50 for $500K in bonuses, 142 yards for 600 yards and $500K in bonuses, needs 3 TD’s for 6 TD’s and $500K in bonuses . . . close, might get one or more
Jamaal Williams - Needs 150 yards for 1000 yards and $250K bonus
Romeo - Not going to make his sack incentives
Vaitai - Not going to make his playing time incentives
Goff - Needs 541 passing yards or maintain his 64.5% completion rate or 4 TD’s or get to 100 pass rating for a $325K bonus


  • Anzalone is getting $1M incentive
  • Goff will likely get a $325K escalator incentives
  • Swaggy has a shot at a $250K incentive
  • Reynolds has shots at up to $1.5M in incentives, but probably unlikely
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Team “defense” improvement or Team “win” improvement ??

great summary, thanks DS! if there’s one guy i think deserves it, its Brown, a little surprised he didn’t get to 70%, but I guess he’s been out a few games.

Probably wins, but OTC doesn’t distinguish what it is. Since Alex played in more than 60% of the snaps last year, it would have been deemed a Likely to be Earned (LTBE) incentive and counted against this years cap. But since they coupled the incentive with team performance (i.e. wins), it was deemed Not Likely to be Earned (NLTBE) incentive as all team performance incentives are deemed unlikely. The second bonus was for 73% playing time (not 70% as I noted) and since he only played in 72.6% of the snaps in 2021, it was deemed NLTBE and will also be a year end adjustment.

I hope Swaggy gets his, but yea Brown should have gotten his . . . maybe they will use that $500K to negotiate a contract for 2023.

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I heard Aaron Glenn has a big bag of suckers and if the defense doesn’t give up 400 yards rushing today, each players gets to pick one.

Haha I gotta say this made me laugh way too much that they actually put that in his contract knowing we would never have a top 16 defense. Holmes knew.

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