Did Brad Holmes mess up with Jamo, and Gibbs?

I think it also actually depends on how the full team comes together and does. GMs will all miss on talent. Niners took kinlaw yet field a dangerous team.



What heā€™s saying is all of the other picks will be first ballot HOFā€™rz, while JaMoss will have to wait a couple of extra years.

That was my first thought too, man. LOL.

Heā€™s averaging like 40 yards/touch so farā€¦something like that.

The second Jamo comes back and catches a bomb for a TD everything will be forgotten.

How many people on here were ready to can Glenn and some even Campbell last year right before they started winning. A month later and everyone was singing their praises.

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P e r f e c t.
Nothing to add here.
Ooopsā€¦just added that. LOL

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He has also scored on 50% of his touches. It goes up to 66% if we didnā€™t get a penalty during the Green Bay game.

ā€œAll he does is score touchdowns.ā€ - Buddy Ryan on Cris Carter

The only thing that stops him from getting more yards is the end zone. LOL.

Looooove it!

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And that was coming off a acl . Wait till he hits full stride .

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It does to me. Because it was a big trade up. I would also add the fact that he had an ACL injury. For a guy who relies on speed. That to me adds more.

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There is only one thing that i hate about Jamo, and thatā€™s him getting himself suspended for 6 games. That is a big blow. Other than that, there is no reason for me to believe he wonā€™t be a great player. There is nothing I can say to make me think he wonā€™t be. He should not be judged for last seasons play. And itā€™s not like he played bad. He just wasnā€™t given the opportunity with good reasons. Bringing him along slow was the right decision.

Chark is a vet. And Chark was at training camp. That stuff matters. But Chark vs Jamo talk makes me giggle. Chark wonā€™t be in the same zip code as Jamo once Jamo gets it together. I believe that.

I donā€™t think talk of Chark was because people expect Jameson to BE the next Chark. The talk of Chark was that Jameson would literally fill in the position that Chark was playing.

With Swift however, I think the conversation was that Gibbs could be a HEALTHY version of him. And thatā€™s a really powerful thing. We are talking about a guy that averaged 5.5 yards per carry and provided some explosive plays WHEN HEALTHY. Swift opened the season last year running the ball 15 times for 144 yards. Then he got hurtā€¦again.


I can agree with this, but I expect Gibbs to be much better. Swift doesnā€™t have that speed. A lot of big plays Swift made will result in TDā€™s with Gibbs.

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  1. everyone was excited about the Jamo pick.
    If everything goes perfect, out of his first two seasons, he will have been available for one.
  2. Gibbs caught some folks off guard. Heā€™s a legit first round pick. Letā€™s see what he can do. If he can remain available, I think he will make everyone stop talking about ā€œdraft positionā€.

The difference between the two is where the media experts thought they would go, and where the FOOTBALL experts took them.
Jamo has two catches in his first season.
Gibbs has 3 months until his first season begins.
Jamo has 5 months before his second season begins.
Btw, welcome to the best Lions forum on the net.


ā€¦if it does to you, then you will be The one who recognizes it as teh biggest win when it is flagrantly going oooohhhh so right. Guy would have been top 5 if not for the injury tooā€¦so we got a deal
ā€¦youā€™ll see.

100%. Chark is a very good NFL WR.
JaMoss is flat out elite.
Game changing special talent.
Heā€™s smart AF when it comes to football and has amazing instincts, and has been studying every NFL WR under the sun. He has drive to get better. I just want him to mature as a man. The secret sauce is already in him, he just needs to learn to wield his power.

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I have decided that @BigNatty is my best friend.

Friends Hug GIF by MOODMAN

Ha! Love it!

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