Did Swaggy, Lavonte David, and D Elliott contracts shock anyone?

So if 3 days ago it was pronounced that Swag would get 4M per, L David would get 7M on one year and Elliott would somehow get 1.7M…… would we assume all 3 were Lions?

I defended the process a lot as I think we go “ours” with some solid gets, and some nice retains.

It does seem a bit crazy that Anzalone got as much guaranteed money as Swaggy, L David and Elliott combined.

So based on numbers and reactions…… did the brass believe AA was a solution not a weak link? David’s contract seems insane.

DC Ben, AG and Holmes seen Swaggy, Elliott and CB as the liabilities….

  1. Did they see Swaggy as solid but limited, a tell that it was likely a run? It couldn’t have been the 4M per that held us back… the Bills, Bengals, Rams were all interested…. Was all the interest just 3-4M per short yardage related?

  2. Did the brass notice Elliott allowed 80% completions and allowed 120 QBs rating when targeted?

  3. Clearly they felt the same about Hughes and AO that we do….

These still some names that ur there, and know I’d like Chark back. Maybe Quinton Jefferson. John Johnson


Recent signings does make sense for Swaggy & Elliot. At a loss for David, was hoping to squeeze him in somehow.

Maybe some players over played there hands an they or agents got greedy. From more than few people the RB was given same offer that Williams agent or he did turned it down an the Bear Back took it.

Holmes is not going to sit an decide how much more he will give if the start is way out of line.

We have no idea if Lions even spoke to David agent … Or even Elliott maybe they wanted to move on.
Your just looking in your broken crystal ball an whining I like what we have done. Would I like other players sure but i have broken away from same old Lions an giving out retirement contracts

The two highest paid players last season for Lions didn’t play a snap were not on the team they wrre Dead cap players. who sucked after the big contracts in past…

Gets tire reading negative posts trying to find fault with what has happened .

Not if greed was part of it an not being wanted was other part.

Hold on, when did Anzalone’s contract details come out!? I must have missed that.

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I can’t find Elliott’s either Just checked cap places nothing on Elliott

David is one year deal $7,000,000 they spread hit out over 3 years void years


I’m talking about the contract breakdown and guaranteed money, that’s all that actually matters. Haven’t seen it anywhere yet

That is not true David is 7 Mill alone ** ** Have not seen Elliott yet Williams is 8 mil

AVERAGE SALARY$6,250,000 for AA your either twisting the truth or you miss read but your facts are wrong Lyonfan1, post:1, topic:22186"]

The Anzalone contract is baffling to me. But… gotta give AG who he wants.

There old for there positions. Box safeties are a dime a dizen

I posted before what some are saying is not true 7 mil for David an 8 mil for Williams Guaranteed

the AA is not released the guaranteed but his average per years is almost 7 mil its 6 mil plus per year.

The Elliott is not out yet so for the anti AA twisting numbers is wrong .

I haven’t seen the other numbers, but, I was shocked by how low Swaggys contract was.
I had him at $15m with $12m guaranteed.
We will never know how the conversation went, but, it shocks me that he’s not still a Lion at that price.


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