Divesting from Football

Hi everyone. Just wanted to drop a line that I’ve decided to stop supporting the NFL for at least the rest of this season, and maybe beyond. I’ve been slowly unfollowing all NFL related stuff, that will include The Den.

There are many, many reasons for this. The foremost is that there is no accountability by the League as it relates to medical issues, racism, competition, and most certainly officiating. The social concerns about the game are harder to ignore when the officiating during the game is so consistently bad.

With the state of the game, I’ve found it not to be a healthy pastime for me personally. The emotional roller coasters are just exacerbated by how bad the product is.

I still love the Lions and always will, but they are part of this larger, broken system. One of the only ways I have agency in making this situation better, is to take my money and my time elsewhere.

I’ll check back for the next day then I’ll turn into a ghost like so many others that have spent so much time here that we no longer hear from.


I hope you enjoy your new found freedom


If you do break free but find yourself contributing on college boards, let us know where you landed.

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I’ll miss you brandy ! it’s just sad this is dividing posters and making some leave for good.
last time I felt this way was the Split from the old BIG Den… I’m staying for now. but if this just keeps getting worse I’m going to leave./stop watching games.

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I think sometimes we get to the point where we have invested too much thought and emotion into the Lions, maybe without realizing it. We get swept up in the off-season news about who left and who came in, who got drafted and so on. And our expectations rise, until reality smacks us in the face and we become disappointed and disillusioned. It’s a business after all, and the Lions try every year to drum-up support (and sales) like any other business, so I can’t blame them much for what they say and do. I do think they’re trying to put out a better product, it ain’t all smoke and mirrors but the NFL is a tough business in which to get to the top cuz some of the competition has a few extra things going for them that we don’t. Brand recognition, continuity, reputation (I don’t care what they say, rep buys you calls), there are good players who either want too much money for what they’re worth or want a ring and won’t come to Detroit until the Lions show they can win it all.

So, for those who leave, farewell but remember the door is always open. It’s kind of an internet brotherhood around here, brothers in misery sorta. It’s all good, we’ve had good times and great players before and will again. Good discussions too about who sucks and who doesn’t, coaching blunders and draft mistakes, it ain’t only about the wins and losses. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and kinda re-orient yourself. A software reboot.

But guys, you’ll be sorry when the Lions finish the season 10-0 and you weren’t here. :grin:

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Even though both my teams (UM & Leos) both are really underachieving, still find the college game exciting. Pros, not so much. I’ll stick around and post, alas not with the same emotions. Good group of peeps here and we all deserve better than the stale product presented.

On a side note, how can college b’ball & football get it right, while their pro counterparts are run horribly bad.


You’re a good man Brandy
I’m basically apathetic again
Mainly because the Lions are back in the familiar cellar
Understand where you’re coming from on all issues
I’ve checked out on all sports except the NFL
And yeah, the NFL is losing my interest as well
Some of the debates here make my head spin
Especially the “real” fan bullsh**
Reality is football is just a game that’s turned into a big freakin business
Like all big businesses, over time, they lose themselves in the chase to vacuum up ever more $$$
Basically find myself resenting the cost of top entertainment
They all extract maximum $$$ out of your pocket
Really, for what?


Good luck to you. I hope you find that peace most of us wish we’d get. I’ve tried to leave but just enjoy the people here too much. I’ll still try to contribute here, but I too am no longer going to watch. I’ll check scores and stats for fantasy but will spend weekends with family time. It’s up to the lions and nfl to earn me coming all the way back.


Exactly. I haven’t willingly watched an NBA game since the '94 championship. College bball & fball, I can watch any two schools playing and enjoy it. The NFL, not so much these days. I’ll watch the strong teams to see how they’re doing it all so right, otherwise it’s just the Lions that I’ll tune in for.

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I rarely ever watch NBA basketball during the regular season, the same with baseball. I can’t watch until the playoffs.

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I stopped financially supporting the league and the Lions for years now. As far as my time is concerned, whatever. I spend a few hours drinking beer with my brother and friends every weekend. There’s worse things in life than that. Just lower your expectations and it’s not as hard to deal with.

Why anyone would willingly continue to renew season tickets and give Martha and company their hard earned money when they couldn’t care less about you or about winning, is beyond me.

I was young and dumb once too. I had season tickets to Michigan and the Lions simultaneously for years. Once they both decided to hire complete fools to run their teams, I bailed and never looked back. So what if I still tune in. It’s not like my money is going into their hands. Neither team gets a red cent out of me. I don’t buy their products, their tickets or their concessions.

In conclusion, having a cold one and watching the Lions crap all over themselves every year, is still better than getting stung by bees at a gosh damn cider mill. But good luck to ya!


Yep. I didn’t watch the Vikings game and we’ve begun to hold a practice on Sundays.
Can’t give up the Den, but, I’m more fed up with the NFL and Lions brass than ever.
I’m at the point where I am trying to decide if I want to support the WWNFL and accept that it is just a TV show for men, or demand integrity.
I’ll never buy a ticket to a game or merchandise, though. I rather buy (history channel) Vikings merchandise, if I’m going to support a TV show.


I’ve been there. I reached my braking point in 2007 when it seemed we would never fire Millen. But I couldn’t stay away long. Take a break and get your head on straight in time for the playoffs. Yes I said the P word.


Yeah, I’m never buying in, again. The NFL doesn’t give a ratz ass about their integrity. That necessarily means they have none!
If I come back, it won’t be as a fan. It will be to be entertained. I’ll watch it like some folks watch wrestling, knowing full well it’s scripted.


This fucked up franchise has made a lot of people unhappy recently. We all have a breaking point and I guess you’ve collided with yours.

Happy trails and good luck!


“Collided” is apropos. We don’t just reach our end with this team, we come crashing down in a heap.

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NBA is 100 times better run than the NFL and a much better product.

The NFL is just has the delusion of parity.

I wouldn’t say the NBA is a much better product when teams are essentially buying a championship by loading up on talent and creating a super team. It’s almost unwatchable if you support a lesser known team as the hope’s of winning a championship are slim to none.


I spend more time on FF than I do reading about the Lions anymore. I still like watching the games but I just don’t have any expectations for this franchise anymore so it doesn’t bother me like it used too…,well, except our run defense! That makes me mad AF!

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Getting worse, every year. The bias is edging me away from them. I disagree that the NBA is a superior product though. Their officials are paid to cheat too.

The NFL is sliding down fast, though. May be going to cage fighting only soon.