DJ Chark trash talk w/ Amon-Ra St. Brown, Dan Campbell vs Urban Meyer, Jameson Williams 4.19 40 time

These fools have me in tears


that was awesome ā€¦ seems really tight w/ the receiver room. hope he is back. keep your strength a strength ā€¦


This is interesting - because Iā€™d like to see that too when lions are in win now mode

Yet if he does get a big big deal

  • if thatā€™s what market will bear - how much resources can the team put into WR before it hurts another area ?
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Lots of little nuggets

Remember the early season aggressive deep 3rd and short or 4th call that went to Chark and missed ?
Then think about what Chark said itā€™s like now that he knows ā€¦ they know ā€¦

At times it sounded like he knows heā€™ll be back unless he gets that Kirk type deal

The adults in the room
Really making decisions that impact his success when you think of a new OC every year


Thx for sharing. Was entertaining. Chark wasnā€™t too convincing about being back next year, mentioned it being a business more than once. Sounds open to being back, but also sounded like a guy that wants to get paid. Mentioned heā€™s got a family and baby at home. Crazy that heā€™s had 8 different starting QBā€™s in his 5 season in the nfl. Thatā€™s wild.


This would be the first time since his sophomore season in college that he would have the same OC in consecutive years. Thatā€™s nuts.

They hit on a conversations we recently had about speed, goofing on Jamo being full speed. Chark mentioned that he runs his routes at a different speed and then hits his top-end when necessary. It was interesting hearing them discuss it laughingly. Jamoā€™s obviously young and needing a bit of refinement in his route-running.



Heā€™s not going to be giving the Lions some big discount. A guy can say he likes it here all he wants it really means nothing. Whatā€™s he supposed to say? It was alright, I would come back if they wanted me bad enough? No heā€™s gonna say everything right to get the best deal. Sure maybe he would accept 3 for 36 from us instead of a 3 for 39 elsewhere. But he signed that 1 year deal for a reason. Heā€™s only getting one ā€œbigā€ contract in this leagueā€¦and itā€™s his next one. AND he isnā€™t worth a big contract. Injury history and average production offsets any chemistry positive he might bring to the table.

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Yup - I see the truth as in the middle
Real tears after receiving his game ball, with a genuine ā€œthank you for making me a part of this & I love yā€™allā€

That was real.
So is an extra 20 million dollars. If heā€™s smart, that can turn into a lot more.


Yep, I think the Lions would like him back, but Holmes is not about to get in some bidding war, that just aint his style and I like it. We have been severely over paying for free agents for decades and we have seen the results.


I didnā€™t get this vibe at all. I got the, ā€œIā€™ll be back if it makes sense financiallyā€ vibe. Guys have short careers and he has a family to think of. He mentioned it was a business multiple times.


I didnt get that vibe at all. Near the end his eyes got really big when he said ā€œHopefully ill be back in Detroit next year.ā€ I felt his genuine energy of loving it here. Yes he can be bought for more money. But i think it has to be enough more to make him want to leave.


Exactly. People see what they want to see. Which also applies to Lions fandom believe Chark is a key cog in the machine. Heā€™s not.


When they asked him about comparing his experience with the Detroit Lions coaching staff vs the other staffs he has been around, he said the Lions staff knows your kids names and actually care about you as a person. That is exactly the kiind of culture Dan set out to build, and literally the opposite of ā€œThe Patriot Way.ā€

Its interesting that if DJ comes back it will be the first time he has had the same coordinator and QB in back to back years.


We had an OT say the same thing about fat slob, that he had reached out to him like previous coaches hadnā€™t.

But he mentioned being back to joke on coach Ben and others

The previous staff were kings at connecting with players. Iā€™m just glad this staff is trying to live up to the standard that has already been set. No need to change something that has already worked at a high level.

Loved this. Some fans and critics used those to say heā€™s not worth re-signing or Goff isnā€™t that good. Then you hear it from the mouth: ā€œI was hurt, came back, took a couple weeks to get on the same page with JGā€ and then boom, fine rest of season.

Now Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m never critical of this team. Iā€™m saying in this particular case I was not one to beat the drum over how they ā€˜couldnā€™t connectā€™.


I havenā€™t watched it yet. But I have to SMH when multi-millionaires put contract decisions in the content of taking care of their families. Iā€™m definitely NOT saying that they should be indifferent to a few $million here or there. But Iā€™m pretty sure whether he stays in Detroit or goes elsewhere, financially speaking that baby should be just fine.

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I think you gotta watch the full podcast before giving any opinion brother, itā€™s worth it. Otherwise youā€™re just guessing.


Iā€™m guessing whether a multi-millionaire has enough money to care for his baby? I donā€™t think so.