Do You Draft #1 Position For Ceiling?

Richardson has already bet against himself. Why else would someone so green come out this early? He’s basically saying “No, I’m not going to make big improvement in my game, let’s just hope some fool team drafts me.” I’m not going to bet on a guy who has already bet against himself. Well, maybe very late in the draft I’d think about it.

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If it’s AR 15 he will need to sit for a least a couple years.

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In today’s NFL, my #1 overall needs to PLAY.

To take full advantage of the way the current salary cap works, getting high level play out of guys on their rookie deals is a winning formula.

I’ll take a guy that day 1 starter at a high level over a guy that “may” develop into an even better prospect one day. JAX had that same dilemma heading into the 2022 draft. JAX went with “ceiling” over day 1 high level starter.

One could easily argue that had they drafted Hutch, they would have won in the playoffs and Detroit would have finished with a losing record. Walker still may end up being the better player someday. But I still wouldn’t have taken him over Hutch.

AR “may” learn how to play QB at a high level someday BUT I think that day is a bit down the road. I’ll pass. I’d rather take a guy @ #6 that is ready to go.


Agree 100%.

I can’t think of ANY player that would have benefited more from another year in college. 3 highly rated SEC QB’s are going to be in this draft. He would have been the most hyped 2023 SEC QB.

Chief fans say hello :innocent:


Patrick Mahomes


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Cracks me up that people put Mahommes into the same conversation as Richardson.

Mahommes = good college QB
Richardson = sucky college QB

If you really are interested in Detroit drafting a replacement to Goff, at least bring a “good” college QB into the discussion.

I can wrap my head around Detroit drafting Stroud. I wouldn’t agree with the decision but I at least see Stroud being a good NFL QB.

I wouldn’t take AR with any of our 1st or 2nd round picks because I think he’s going to SUCK in the NFL. Fields > Richardson and I think Fields sucks. The guy I wanted to draft last year as our back up lasted until the 3rd round. I’d take him over AR as well.


You guys moved the goalposts. The idea pushed back against was that if you draft someone number one you want him to play right away.

Checkmate260 was making the point that Patrick Mahomes did not play right away. Was not drafted to play right away. That point has nothing to do with whether Mahomes and AR have comparable college stats.


As crazy as it sounds, Detroit is in position where they can miss early. With two 1sts and two 2nds, they are exactly the type of franchise that can gamble with one of those picks. Especially considering that they hit homeruns in the previous two drafts.

I can see it happening due to the prospect drop off at the #6 pick. If they were to go project QB, I prefer Levis to AR15 though :face_with_peeking_eye:

I prefer not to take a QB this high in this draft just for the record.

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I do not like Lamar Jackson and I do not like Justin Fields. You could hand them over to me and I would refuse. I do not want the Lions to draft AR15.


Have you really analyzed and watched him play? I will admit watching him on Saturdays this season was painful. He does so many things that drive me crazy about athletic quarterbacks. That being said, I honest to god do think he could different. He does look like he might be able to read a defense. He does look to have a really electric/live arm. And I think that combination mixed with being able to sit and just learn the position for a year or two could be exactly what he needs to be better than Justin and Lamar.

Again I don’t want him in a Lions uniform. I don’t trust this style of QB. But if he were to be drafted here, he will be set up for success like neither Lamar or Justin were. And I think because he can read a defense and go through progression, he is already a step ahead of Lamar. He does have a huge leap to go in terms of accuracy though.

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Totally agree. I’m not sure why so many people find the Jordan Love experience so appealing.

Mahomes was drafted to a team with a 33-year old QB (before QBs were regularly playing into their mid-to-late 30s), and he sat for exactly one year. That’s worlds different than what’s being proposed when suggesting that a replacement for Goff be drafted to sit for 2-3 years.

Regarding drafting AR15 in general, acquiring a quarterback is typically a go big or go home game. The importance of the position has led to it being an inherently risky and expensive endeavor. If I’m Carolina, Houston, Atlanta, Vegas, etc., he is absolutely on the table for consideration. And that necessarily means being willing to spend a high pick on him.

The calculus for taking a slim chance on a QB prospect is vastly different when your team has a clear need versus when it doesn’t.


…but did they? I see their decision as an overall fuckup.
Hutch → Higher floor & Higher ceiling

I’m all about being bold & taking calculated risks…just like Holmes!

The calculus on that changes when you draft well. It also changes when you have had twice as much high end draft capital as everyone else the last few years.

It’s not much of a risky endeavor when you still have another 1st rounder and two 2nds.

Am I right? :man_shrugging:t2::wink:

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This team barely squeaked out an above .500 record. And that was after ripping off a crazy hot streak. Can we build a team that can win the division before proclaiming that don’t actually need any more talent and can just take moonshots?

I swear we have to be the only team that hasn’t won a postseason game in 30+ years that some of our fans want to approach the draft like we are back to back Super Bowl champs.


Yes you are, my brother! It TOTALLY changes.
“Swinging for the fences” may mean taking a more risk/ reward pick, instead of a safe bet. Our team could compete if we acquired zero new guys. WITH the new selections Holmes pulls in, it’s likely this squad comes in as a 15-ish rank defense, Possibly higher.

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Carry on.

Dude I’m not even for taking him or any QB early for that matter. I just posted 30 minutes ago how I think Ramsey doesn’t make sense because this team is not a legit SB contender in 2023. Don’t make blanket assumptions because you read one comment I made.

Does the calculus on risk not change based on the factors I stated above? Was something I said in the comment wrong?

Calm down bud…

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Assuming we can bring back all of the FA’s.
We can’t.

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Absolutely he is. Patience with WR in his first draft plus pulling the trigger for pick 12 last year shows he’s a gambler. Probably a bigger gambler than I’m comfortable with, to be honest.

He’s also the guy that gambled on Goff. Twice.

So, does he continue gambling on Goff or does he gamble on someone else?
Does he build a team for 2023 or gamble on 2025?


Hear, hear!
If I’m being completely honest, I’m still not 100% comfortable with Jamo.
Love the kid. I have very high hopes. I’ve seen the speed. I just haven’t seen much else.
Still, I trust Brad because of guys like St. Brown, Rodrigo, and Houston…and realize that Levi’s happen.