Do you still feel like we can't win a Superbowl with Goff?

I know some people here were arguing that we could never win a Superbowl with Goff as our QB.
Just curious if you still believe that or not?
Do people still think that
Jared = Alex Smith?


I need to see Goff in the playoffs with us before I make that decision.


Check my posts. I never bought that story line.
Goff has been to a Super Bowl.
Goff has a better record in the playoffs than Stafford.
We will win the Super Bowl with Goff. Write it down.


We can win the Super Bowl with Goff. The problem is after the Super Bowl he will want a really expensive contract extension. So I think we should get in front of it now and replace him.


I mean, we saw Stafford in the playoffs with us and it wasn’t the prettiest. Then he went to a good team and won it all.

Goff has already been to the SB with a good team. If the Lions build another good team, he’s definitely capable of making it happen.


Joe Flacco has a ring so yeah, of course

Exactly! We’ve already seen what Goff can do in the playoffs…well, those who watched.
Goff has always been a proven commodity in my eyes, but then, I typically ignore the media and believe what my own eyes tell me.
I pretty much trust me.


JRLion ladies and gentlemen.

Why can’t you go off what Goff did in the playoffs with the Rams?

Up yours!:rofl:


For sure, QB’s are very easy to replace.


At Kroger they give you fuel points that you can trade in for a franchise QB.


You guys have bragging rights over us this year as much as I hate to say it.


I have really come around on Goff and have no intentions of wanting to find his replacement. I also think we could win a Super Bowl with him as well. My biggest concern is still cold weather games. He really struggled in the 1st half last night and it wasn’t even that cold. Hopefully we secure home field next year and that’s not an issue.


A lot of things are different between here and Goff’s Rams. Like @Davicus said, Stafford never won a playoff game here and went to LA and immediately won a Super Bowl. We’re just different teams with different supporting casts and different coaches.


That’s 3 in a row for the Lions over the Pack…but who’s counting!?


If the 65 yard Jamo TD wasn’t wiped out, Goff would have had a much better 1st half. But, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish, and he made huge throws with the game on the line.


Just imagine when this defense gets better. It’s going to be lights out with the firepower we have on offense.

Defense in the draft.

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I think we’ll know more about Goff next season. The stakes and expectations will be higher. I’m curious to see how he performs.

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Yeah, the pass to Khaliff was a TD as well.

Goff’s #'s should have been 24 of 35, 69% completion, just shy of 300 yards, 2 TD’s, 0 interceptions.

And I think Goff threw for over 350 yards in Carolina with 3 TD’s and 0 interceptions.

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