Do you think Washington should change its name?

There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas


You are not worth my time.

Well then we’re agreed.

People aren’t soft or more soft or easily offended. People just get tired of the same a-holes saying crude and insensitive things without punishment. It wears on people. “redskin” is an insult. And it should be changed. There are several ways to pay homage or respect without using an epithet. We have to use our brains more.


With a name like Redskins or Indians, it’s going to be difficult to determine this. It should in theory be much easier in the case of a team that is named after a tribe like the Seminoles. In that case you should be able to consult with the tribe and they can figure out how to determine if they give their blessing or not.

walking down the street naked with a dildo might be in poor taste, and I can see why some communities would ban it. Not the parade but certain aspects of the parade. But there are no racial connotations in that and they aren’t being derogatory of other people by doing that. It’s a bit of a stretch to connect the two.

Maybe he just really wanted to talk about dildos



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Fine, here is my point. There is a difference between something you can do and something you should do. Nobody is making the Redskins change their name. They can pressure them but they can’t make them. Free speech and all that. That doesn’t mean the Redskins shouldn’t change their name or won’t change their name. So your free speech argument flies right our the window.

Nope - leave it alone.

As for somewhere in this thread it was stated “defining people by skin color is racist” so no more BLM logos by this thought process … can’t agree here.

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My point is that in today’s society, you can pretty much pick out any group of people who are going to be offended by something. Usually, it’s something rooted in the subjective opinions/beliefs of a particular person.

For those who are offended, the solution is don’t patronize or support the Washington Redskins. Ignore the team and news about the team.

If a majority of native American Indians aren’t offended, then Washington shouldn’t change its’ nickname just because non-native American Indians think they should.

Personally, I don’t care about the Redskins name one way or the other. Keep it, change it, it really makes no difference to me.

And, as a sidebar (not necessarily directed at you BW02), for the religious who think narcissistic social justice warrior virtue signalling is a good thing, I suggest you read Matthew 6:1-6.


Was Jesus light-skinned and blue-eyed? And if he’s the son of God, then God must be white-skinned and blue-eyed? No offense my friend, but it’s probably not a good idea to inject religion into this discussion. My God, if Jesus is a Republican then I’m a monkey’s uncle. I think it’s pretty certain that the real Yeshua (his non-European and true name) looked a whole lot more like Colin Kaepernick than Tom Brady. Would the powers that be back then have cast him as a “social justice warrior”? Because he sure was. And he was assassinated for being an uppity non-conforming Jew, no less. :joy:

no offense, I’m a Christian, but maybe of a different strain or something?


was there a Riot or People marching in the streets over The Washington Redskins (name) ?? Looting, killing, war? IF so , I don’t remember it. I do remember it being put to a vote, I do remember media Interviewing many different people , I do remember Legal talk about it , I do remember that they TRIED to FORCE a name change , but that was struck down …not enough support in it.

AND NFL Football went on and on and on, Here in 2020 , is Thee first time I heard this question again. F-it I’m putting MY attention into Lions Football and 2020 season news around the NFL.

It feels to me like you are trying way too hard to virtue signal and impress some people here with how “un-butt-hurtable” you are.

Man you got me there. Glad you told me off.

Nope but there was a war and we (America) killed the majority of their race, took their land and oppressed them, forcing them to live on impoverished reservations.

Just because something is not directed at you does not make it less offensive. Those same people who say “people should have thicker skin” seem to be the ones who get the most offended about a simple discussion of equality, dignity and respect.

Looking the other way does not make it not your problem. (ask Germany) Don’t watch the country burn and then complain and sit on the couch. We as a people need to demand changes when human dignity is denied to anyone. The fight for equality is ALL of our responsibility not just the group that is targeted. History has shown time and again that ignoring injustices leads to violence, we still haven’t seemed to have learned that lesson as a country.


Not trying to tell you off. Just an observation. I got the message loud and clear that you are the toughest of the tough and impervious to any feeling resembling disparagement.

I can certainly tell you I am pretty tough. I’m going to enjoy a long week up north.

I don’t doubt it, and I am personally extremely impressed. Toughness is the single quality of a human being that has any importance to the future growth and improvement of our species. I truly hope you enjoy your long week up north.

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It’d be interesting to see a Venn diagram of people who criticize folks getting bothered by the Redskins, and those who lose it when someone takes a knee during the anthem.