Dobbs to start for queens

will soon be a 5 game losing streak for them.

But don’t worry they will win the division…


plotting episode 4 GIF


Miata Dobbsalina Mr. Josh Dobbsalina. Mista Dobbsalina Mr. Josh Dobbsalina. Mista Dobbsalina Mr. Josh Dobbsalina.


I’m not sure they win another game.

But I’m far more concerned with the trajectory of the Packers at the moment.


Lucky if they don’t win another game that is 2 wins for Lions. Then just have to beat Chicago or Denver and division locked up.

After that GB can do whatever they do.

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We need to win the next win


The Pack remaining schedule is very weak. I will be shocked if they don’t make the playoffs.


All winning streaks eventually come to an end. That one can end in Detroit during week 1 of the playoffs.


The resurgent Raiders will be loaded for Bear, er, I mean Viking

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It would be a monumental achievement if the Pack can “win out.” It would require winning 8 straight games without a break (bye). The Packers haven’t done that since the early 1960’s.

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Nobody has it easier for the remaining schedule.

They lose out and only beat GB would be pretty nice.

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Giants will have something for them this week.

No matter how “easy” the schedule looks, winning 8 in a row without a break is extremely rare. If they pull it off they deserve praise for doing something epic. The conversation shouldn’t be “well anyone could have done that.” If it were easy, it wouldn’t be so rare.

We were on fire to end last season, but our winning streak was 3 wins…loss…3 wins…loss…2 more wins. The longest win streak for the Chiefs with Mahomes (without a break) is 6.


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I’m with ya. Just seen that graphic this morning and shared it.

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The “4 games rule” is alive and well when discussing Josh Dobbs. That is the idea that it takes around 4 games for defenses to have enough film on a QB and how he is running an offense to start gameplanning for him. What happens after that is what separates the backups from the starters.

Dobbs highest rated games with the Cardinals was his first 4. He has now officially reached the 4 game mark with the Vikings.

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He was terrible the last 2 games. But I’d imagine getting the best WR in the nfl back will help some.

With Addison, Jefferson and Hock they do have weapons

LaFleur is 18-0 in December as a coach

Then gets whipped in January by the Lions :wink:happened 2 years in a row