Draft and trade Tua?

I don’t know if this is been discussed before, I haven’t seen it here if it has.
Let’s say that we don’t get the trade offers that we’re hoping for at number three. Does anyone think that Quinn might be savvy enough to draft Tua at number three with the intention of trading him later.
I have to believe that all the quarterback needy teams who call our bluff at 3 will be on the phone with us shortly after we draft their quarterback.
This would be a ballsy move by Quinn, one that I doubt he’s willing to make. But I think it could be quite beneficial if done correctly.
Worst case scenario, you have your quarterback of the future. Best case scenario you get a boat load of draft picks that people weren’t willing to give up before.


You know, you bring up a good point. I too have thought about this some the last couple of days. But I keep coming to the same conclusion. What if he can’t get enough to make that trade. What happens if we can’t get a willing trade partner. If either happens, then not only do we lose out on some top tier talent, the season will not reflect the win now mode.

What message will that send to Martha? BQ would have to be looking for an exit before the season even fired off. And I believe he would know this too.

But none the least, it would be a gutsy move.

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Very gutsy move! I am behind it, if they believe in their heart that they can trade him. I think Matt is still to young, to be drafting the future

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It’s something you see all the time in the NBA. Not very often in the NFL.
If Quinn felt a team like Miami really wanted Tua, but thought they could wait us out, that might be a way to tighten the screws a little.
Interesting to consider, but I don’t see Quinn pulling it off.

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Honest question: how many times in NFL history has a guy been drafted and then traded immediately? It makes no sense, if you want Tua then you trade up to get him with the same deal you would offer after the pick has been made. If I’m Quinn I’m not gonna draft Tua and hope for somebody to give a better deal after the pick has been made. What if I don’t get a trade offer after the pick and now I’m stuck with a guy I didn’t want in the 1st place cuz I got Stafford, who I’m paying $30 mil a year. And every other GM in the league knows that too.

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I want to say it happens more than we remember, but I am not sure google is good enough to figure this out for us.

I seem to remember these things happening on a every other year kind sort of thing.

I love the OP’s post. One thing this franchise hasn’t done is actually think out side the box in a good way. Drafting the 2nd best Iowa tight end #8 overall is not thinking outside the box. It’s shit all stupid.

Drafting a potential elite player at the most important position #3 overall, even though you have a pretty capable veteran on hand, IS thinking outside the box. It actually opens up opportunities to trade either Tua or Stafford in the next 6 months, which should excite all Lions fans. We are here for wins and entertainment. We have had neither forever.

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No, you lose all leverage once you select the player.

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SD was taking a QB either way.

Is Miami not?


We’re not

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I’m pretty sure they said we were thinking outside the box when millen was hired .

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Quinn isn’t smart enough to pull that off.

That sure added to the topic well done i bet no one thought of that :smiley:

The only time I remember this was the Eli/Phillip Rivers deal. Of course memory is shot.

i do not think it would be savy at all to draft tua in order to trade him later. Tua is better then Rosen but all the cards got for Rosen is a late 2nd and a 5th. This would be getting too cute…draft tua only if you want to make a switch at qb and a rebuild.

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You only draft Tua if you want him as your QB by week 8 (I am assuming the Lions will be out of playoff contention by then).
If you aren’t going to play him then it makes no sense to draft him. You lose out on a high draft pick and probably wouldn’t get a #3 type of return unless you played him and he was good…and then why would you trade him.