Hey guys,

I’ll be launching the chat room for draft week. As a reminder, a little chat icon (Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 10.25.57 AM) will appear atop the forum, allowing you to jump-in for a live chat experience. Important notes follow the schedule below, so please read.

  • Wednesday, April 26: Pre-Draft Special from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 27: Round 1, 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, April 28: Rounds 2-3, 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 29: Rounds 4-7, 11:30 a.m.

All times ET. On draft days, each chat is scheduled 30 mins before the first pick is on the clock.

Important: Last year, this went well, but the problem with synchronous discussion during a live event is that you’re at the mercy of the various TV network delays.

i.e. If someone is on Hulu, they might be a full minute (or more) behind someone who is on Xfinity, etc. I need to make this part incredibly clear: THERE IS NO TECHNICAL WAY TO PREVENT THIS. And asking users to “wait” before discussing who a team has picked is, frankly, a silly, unfair, and impossible request that ruins the chat for everyone.

For those who need to hear the pick from Roger Goodell’s mouth, there will be a Draft Day thread, and subsequent threads for each Detroit Lions pick.

Thank you for understanding!


Aces! I was just going to start a thread asking about the plans.

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Thanks for your efforts, Nate. Draft night in The Den is like 2:00AM at a bar. What could possibly go wrong?


LOL at the wording.

It’s impossible to know when everyone has heard the pick announced and therefore it’s impossible to know when it’s safe to post. Therefore, if you’re enjoying the live experience on TV and want to preserve that, you’re better off minimizing the chat and re-entering after the pick.

Threads will also appear and contain content faster than many broadcasts. Again, if you like to preserve the live program experience, you’re better off minimizing the den and refreshing post-pick.

Maybe some day there will be a watch party where we’re all viewing content delivered via a single server, but as it is today, there’s no way to balance the live viewing experience with the comments of others. You’re on your own in preserving your draft-day experience.


So we can talk about the apocalypse before it happens? Excellent!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


What I want to know is this…what are the consequences for “revealing” the wrong pick?

The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films


Just quoting this again so it gets read again. The chat last year was awesome except for people complaining about picks being spoiled.


One more time for those in the back.


LOL - Yup! I thought it was crazy as hell that ppl were getting upset over it. I never cared where I heard it from…only that I knew who we got.


Funny. I remember there being an effort pre-draft to play well with others that was instantly shot to hell once the draft started, but I don’t remember anyone being so upset that it should leave others scarred. Maybe that’s one of the advantages of age… along with all the important stuff I’m forgetting, I’m also forgetting the unimportant.

I will always love to hear the fans boo-ing Goodell! One of my fav things about the draft


Does being scarred by the spectacle of epic meltdowns count?

Remember MaizenBrew(?) or a handle like that on 2018 Day 2 when the Lions drafted Carry-off Johnson and then Tracy Walker? I don’t remember him being abusive, just repetitive, crushed and very vocal about it. And very, very drunk as he admitted later.

Some threads should be preserved in perpetuity in the Smithsonian, if not here. Hell, the American Psychiatric Association might discover a new pathology if they had access to The Den during the draft…


Some people need to upgrade their dial up internet. lol

When streaming games, I do avoid game thread chats though for a reason


Bingo. You can choose or not choose to be in the chat or the draft thread. It’s at your own risk, just like gameday threads. I have never been upset seeing a pick 90 seconds before it comes on my TV. Because I know some are ahead of me and some are behind me.


Who, exactly, do you think the lurkers are who never speak :crazy_face: :thinking:?


That’s a given.


I don’t have a problem with it. The sooner I get the info the better IMO

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Yep, I agree. Who was the original player that was going to play himself off the team?
And man, did I love the Corn Elder thread. I think there had to be 45 Dad jokes that built off one another.

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I’ll shut the live chat off when the Lions are about to skip. I don’t need to know what the pick is 3 minutes before it’s announced. Apparently a lot of frustrated NY Times reporters here that insist on being the guy first with “the scoop.”

Not that big of a deal but there are few surprises left in this world….I’d like to keep this one.

As a side note, maybe the reason why some complain so much about this issue is because people have asked them not to ruin it for them by posting who the pick is. A few decide “F.U……being first to report who the pick is becomes more important than what a few fans want.

Whatever. Like I said, I’ll just shut it down when it gets close to the pick and then bring it up after they pick.

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