Drew Barrymore & the Detroit News


Nice photo. She doesn’t look 45 at all.

I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers.

Air — you’re aging yourself with that one … :crazy_face:


Yea…now I say “I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for having the volume to high while watching Tik Tok videos”

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She got in the front seat of my car when I was like 25 years old …She was filming a movie called Riding in Cars with Boys in a extremely Posh area of the Bronx when I was stopped by a Police Officer at a round about to allow a filming crane to pass. The Crane got stuck and I sat for nearly 15 min …I was smoking a cigarette when she came to my passenger window and asked for one and then opened the door and sat down so she could smoke it …Chatted with her for 5 min…Real cool chick
She said to me when she got out …“Thank You Cutie” and that " it’s ironic I’m filming this movie and I hop in a Boys Car"


Cool story.

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