Eagles and Texans won the day

Jordan Davis
Nolan Smith
Nakobe Dean

Wow Philly wow

Will Anderson and Stroud
Perfect Houston


Eagles picks just passed Seattle’s as the hot girl that all of the Lions fans will be looking at.


I like Seattle better, but all 3 looks good.

Texans crapped the bed IMO.

Gave up Waaaaaaaayyyyy too much to move up…
and drafted a QB in a weak class when their pick next year may be used to draft Caleb Williams… for another team!!!

I agree buddy. But we won with 2nd round picks.


I absolutely hate this nonsense. No one “won the day” until these guys step on the field and play. They “won the PR war” is a better way of saying it.


Will Anderson was a big overpay. Stroud is good if you have the o-line for him. Carter is such a beast when he’s in those rare cases of giving great effort. He should be embarrassed what little he accomplished at Georgia. I hope it’s just lazy and not some kind of a medical condition. I’ve never seen a guy just collapse running drills before.

Agreed Jman.

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Houston didn’t come up for a QB. They came back up for Will Anderson.

Eagles drafted our DEN MOCK DRAFT RESULTS
Carter & Nolan SMith

yeah…. I am familiar with what happened.

It doesn’t change my post…
They drafted a QB at #2 OA in a weak draft for QBs…
and then mortgaged their future for a defensive line layer that is really good… but not a “generational talent”….

and the packers ck they gave up for Anderson may end being the pick that secured Caleb Williams if the Cards shit the bed as everyone expects next year.

Even if it isn’t the #1 OA pick… most everyone would expect it to be a top 10 pick.

Terrific ble trade by Texans…. even if Andrrson is a pro bowl caliber player.

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