Eagles cut player who last played when Jordan was whiffing at curveballs in AA

Fell through the cracks aint got nothin on this guy…

handsome fella

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How’s that affect his pension. :sweat_smile:

Not sure how the drew it up.

So why did the Eagles just cut him this week? Williams says he assumes it has something to do with a benefit for former players he recently applied for.

“I was actually at work when a kid I coached in high school, Ventell Boulware – a scout for the Packers – called asked when was the last time I did anything with the NFL,” Williams told Andrew DiCecco of InsideTheBirds.com. “I told him I had just applied for some benefits recently, and he said, ‘Well your name just came across the [transaction] wire.’ I’m like, ‘For what?’ And he was like, ‘The Eagles released you.’ I had some kind of idea, but they never released me. And I always wondered what happened with that. When I went to Canada, the Eagles kept my rights through all of that. They never released my rights. But I had no idea that I was still on the roster 29 years later.”

Is he due a SB ring ?

That’s how they treat a guy after 30 years??? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Oh shit he is still eligible, quick cut him so we don’t have to pay…

This reminds me of when I finally had a enough and broke up with Mariah Carey. She had no idea we had been together for the last 20+ years.

Mariah Carey Tweet GIF by Twitter

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