ESPN article on Goff


Fantastic share, Maggie.


If Goff beats Mahomes tonight, start building the statue in front of Ford Field!


Iā€™m guessing heā€™d be the first to beat Mahomes with two different teams.




That was a really nice article. and you can tell by watching goff heā€™s just a good dude.

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When Stafford left, I was so pissed. He was my favorite Lions QB of all-time (that I personally got to watch). I never thought Iā€™d get to the point where I wouldnā€™t want Matthew back.

Goff is my guy now. I love how he handles himself, how heā€™s embraced the team and the city of Detroit. He seems like such a genuinely good dude and Iā€™m so happy heā€™s our QB. I wouldnā€™t trade Goff for Stafford at this point.

Now Iā€™ll just name my firstborn Jared Matthew.


I donā€™t mind my QBs having some chill to them, but you want to know they have that fire, too:


The Cleveland game was that moment for me. And then the Dallas fake-spike, leaping TD finish game was the cement. He couldā€™ve never played another snap for the Lions and that wouldā€™ve been enough for me. Dude has a fire and competitiveness that borders on unhinged.


But so often questioned because he maintains his composure so well.

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A few things really jumped out. Goff is a really good guy and people have confused his generally easy going demeanor with an uncompetitiveness

What a fun and supportive family heā€™s from. Love hearing stories of people who love and support eachother.

The fact that his fiancĆ© didnā€™t skip a beat when he told her speaks volumes to her character and their relationship

That his former college coach put together a power point presentation when he only suspected Goff would be traded, just to help keep him focused and confident is amazing.

I hope heā€™s the guy to bring the trophy to Detroit. Redemption stories are the best stories and in a way this mirrors the story of Detroit itself


Very good point. Goff was thrown to the curb by McVay, he could have easily just counted all his money and sailed off into the sunset like so many top draft picks do.

Heā€™s got some serious mental toughness and clearly a pretty big set of marbles on him!


That article brought tears to my eyes!


I always knew. I spent a year and a half defending the guy.
Sean McVay, didnā€™t know! The media brain trusts didnā€™t know.
Nobody listens to poor Zathros.


really should have been easy for people to see. The way a narrative can take root is unbelievable. Group think is strong


I have a very similar perspective with both Matt and Jared. Well stated.

Jared sold me with the Baltimore post game interview. Thatā€™s my QB.


This has nothing to do with football, but I think Jared became a favorite to me when he popped up on a podcast I listen to that literally has nothing to do with football. He just seemed like a down-to-earth, normal dude who just happens to be an extremely talented football player. He just comes across as super relatable, which a lot of athletes donā€™t always do the best job coming across as.

The context of this is that Cody and Jared ran into each other at a hotel while on vacation and Cody approached Jared to introduce himself and Jared was like ā€œOh yeah, we met at that celebrity softball game, right?ā€ and even though Cody didnā€™t go to the softball game, he just went along with it because he didnā€™t want Jared to feel stupid for thinking theyā€™d already met. The whole thing is hilarious, especially the end:


This had me laughing, hard. Thanks for the post.

ps you have to watch this one to the end : )


I would take Stafford for Goffā€¦especially under the make up of this team including the backup QB situation. It doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like Goff, I just think Stafford is a better player.

The Rams are probably going to be bad. So bad that I wonā€™t watch them play much despite Stafford being my all-time favorite quarterback. I hope he shows he still has it and they sell him to a contender this offseason. It actually seems like their plan. Put him on the Dolphinsā€¦he might have his best season ever despite being old as balls.

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Heā€™s just a chill dude. Thanks for sharing!