Everything falls right and the Lions get to 2. But Cincy takes Chase Young

Tell me there is nobody here besides JR who is such a Stafford slappy that they would pass on Joe Burrow.

Who would say, “Nah; we don’t need to take advantage of the very rare opportunity to take the best QB in the draft; especially when that QB looks like a particularly elite one. We’ll stick with our 30-something guy we’ve never won with, who’s had broken back issues the past two seasons.”

Come on, Den. Don’t let me down. Tell me we’re unanimous on this – again, except for our resident QB Expert Who Sees Things You Don’t See.

Can’t pass on him if you feel he is the best QB in the draft. I am not sure how I feel about him to be honest. I don’t get the Andrew Luck locked in stone feel from him to be honest.

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What would suck is if we took him and he turned out to be good. Then we would win games and wouldn’t have high draft picks. No thanks.


I am not the Detroit medical staff. But Stafford is only 31 (32 in February). I believe he has 6 prime years left in him before his play starts to fall off. Unless the Lions are worried about his back long term, I’m not sure it’s the right time to draft a quarterback in the first. Also it Quinn and Patricia will be in win now mode and I don’t see them putting a top 5 pick into a quarterback under those circumstances. I personally really want to see Stafford in the Bevell offense in year two and hopefully Patricia can figure out this defense over the offseason.

With that being said. The two games I’ve watched LSU this year was impressive. I really do like Joe Burrow a lot. But I don’t know much about him besides the two games I’ve watched and what ESPN has said about him.

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Losing our Super Bowl every year, the draft, for the real Super Bowl?

Hard pass.

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I’d trade back a few spots to Miami and get their extra second and third round picks

Then I’d take Epenesa or piss off the Skins and take Thomas the blue chip LT and sent Wagner packing

With our second round picks I’d take s couple of Bama kids, T Lewis WR and D Smith DE

With our two third round picks I’d take B Hall CB Virginia and M Harrison, LB Ohio State

I like Joe a lot but like the poster above me said if Stafford’s back is 100% with no long term concerns I’m auctioning him off to the highest bidder.

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But what’s the cliche about back injuries? Once you start having them, you keep having them.

Is it a fluke that Stafford had very similar injuries to his back in back-to-back seasons? Maybe. But I kind of doubt it.

I’ll say this: Drafting Burrow when you have Stafford would be bold. This franchise doesn’t do bold.

I get that Stafford has only just turned 30. But the counter-argument to that is he’s got a lot more hits and road miles on his arm and body than most 30-year-old QBs probably do. I certainly wouldn’t bet on him being able to do his thing as he’s doing it now to age 37 or 38.

And I’m not saying, “Draft some QB in the second or third round to get ready for when/if Stafford is unable to play or declining;” I’m saying, “Draft the best QB we’ve seen in years, who’s just fallen into your lap, because at this point, that’s a better decision for your future than hoping on your 30+ year old QB with back issues.”

Mel Kiper (yeah, I know) just said that if Trevor Lawrence were in this draft, he’d still take Burrow. Because Burrow has performed against more elite defenses, and under more pressure this season.

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It’s already been said…

Matt was out for two yrs before and was called “Matty Glass” or somshit name like that…

So do we end up with more of a back kites Matt or do we get the Ironman?!

I have no clue.

This is why I keep perspective. I love my Lions my entire life but losing or winning - at the end of the day, they have no true bearing my who I am or how I should truly feel…

I just hope whomever is in charge is given the wisdom to make the next best choice!

Peace brothers!!

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OK, I gotta admit, this scenario has appeal, too.

But maybe Miami will get positive injury news on Tua, and will say, “Nah; we’ll just take whichever one of those two falls to us, rather than paying a king’s ransom.”

On the other hand, maybe they’ll fall in love with Burrow like the Bears did with Trubisky, and pay the price.

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I am a huge Joe Burrow guy. Have mentioned on here many times how great I think he will be.

Unless the back is a real concern, I am passing on Burrow. I would trade it for a load of picks to someone who needs him more than we do


This is what i would do. Its our defense i would focus on with those picks.

I have had 2 back surgeries before the age of 40 anyone who thinks this problem will just go away is fooling themselves.You have to take a QB in that spot I personally would take Tua let Stafford play next year and let the rookie heal up and learn the NFL some before getting thrown in.Call me crazy but no way I’m passing on Tua in the end he will be the better QB and is a match for Bevell’s system.Chances are Stafford doesn’t make the whole season and you have a crappy record which gives you a good pick.If he does then hell who knows might make the playoffs and have the QB of the future!!

Trading back is a terrible idea. Unless, someone in the top 5 wants to trade up. Other than that: Take the best player available

If we cant get CY i would rather have Derrick Brown then anyone else with a trade back. Colapsing the pocket would bevcery helpful as getting sack and pressures.

Not really. If we were 1 player away, I would agree with you. If you can get a lot more draft picks, it makes sense to load up. For example, if somehow the Dolphins drafted after us, I think they have 3 first round picks. You would get a load for that pick. Possibly including a player and picks

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If Miami did want to trade up for burrows, what do you think they would offer?

I would think it would start with whatever pick they had right behind Detroit. 3rd,4th, 5th, wherever they were at. This is all hypothetical, as is the thread. I would assume you could get that pick, and a later 1st. I don’t know the exact trade values of picks

Good solid post and I agree. to be honest what concerns me is the spread offense and he has, to my knowledge, no experience in a pro-style offense. So at least currently I get more of a Sam Bradford without the knee injury type feel than I do Andrew Luck

if we moved up to 2nd Miami looks to be drafting 5th. It would take their 5oa and their 21oa tho even out points wise.

2OA is 2600 points.
5OA is 1700 points
21OA os 800 points.

I would do it and go for Brown with the 5OA.