Explain the Goff dislike

The guys stats are pretty similar to Stafford. He is 6 years younger and we are paying an extra 4 million or so for him over Stafford. If some are upset because this means we won’t draft Fields—I’m more than ok with that. Living in Ohio I’ve watched a lot of Fields. I really don’t think his football IQ is that high.

I’d be interested in what you they dislike about Goff. And more than than statements like he sucks would be helpful.

All I know if that I went over to the Rams board and they are pissed about this trade. They said they could see giving this up for Rodgers or Watson but not Stafford.


It’s because he sucks and we are all butthurt about not getting our favorite QB in the draft anymore.

Geoff is not a modern quarterback . What he is going to do in this offense . When can I see a dual threat qb. Holmes doing a favor to rams like Quinn did to Patriots . Where is my Donald in the deal instead of Geoff

Stats aren’t indicative of ability. While stafford has played with awful run games and some of histories worst defenses, goff has had elite defenses and run games. And the smartest offensive mind just gave him away along with 2 firsts to get stafford. That is how much better one of the smartest football minds thinks stafford is than goff. Now, it seems like he may just serve as a bridge QB to develop… and for that he’s fine.


only thing I don’t like is the INT’s…seem a little rough.

There is a QB in our division with almost identical stats to Goff and that is Kirk Cousins.

That’s how I view Goff. An above average QB who can win games for us with a team around him but probably won’t take us to the promised land.

Goff is simply a 6 year younger Kirk Cousins who was drafted 4 rounds higher.

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Seems like a personality clash between Goff and McVay from what I can glean. Also Goff as #1 OA is a bust, but that tag and pressure can be alleviated here to an extent ( I mean he was still traded for Stafford, but the two #1 picks are the centerpiece of this trade not Goff).

Also way overpaid because of his #1 OA draft status

The rams paid us extra just to take him off their hands. Can he start and be a bridge QB? Sure. Should he be our future? God no. If they are planning on him leading our franchise they are nuts. If he’s there to keep the lights on while they pursue options… that’s good


This is going to be a run heavy offense, don’t be surprised to see Goff develop ala Tannehill in a new city.

Goffs TD to INT ratio is roughly 2:1 like Staffords. He’s not going to be slinging it as much now and that could be good for his decision making.

Let’s not act like Stafford didn’t make awful decisions even into year 12, see pick 6s. As a huge Stafford supporter my biggest dislike of him was he still made awful decisions.


Cousins is 32. So are we willing to dismiss Goff’s age? That he’s already demonstrated that he isn’t good and that his first couple years were an aberration? I find it interesting that Holmes draft him and is still willing to trade for him.

I think by all you mean you.

There’s no reason we can’t still take your boy. Relax and wait till April bud

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He’s a younger, cheaper Cousins.

I’d say that’s a win in my book. The biggest knock on Goff is that he had an off year this year on a stacked team. Now I’m not sure if that’s all Goff or if some of it is McVay.

Now if Goff was going to have an off year on a stacked team this year what will he do with the Lions next year (with holes on both sides of the ball)? Still Goff is better than literally anyone else out there who we could sign as FA.

  1. don’t listen to fans (especially me). I have opinions, sometiems strong ones, but more often than not, I am wrong.
  2. dont’ presuppose that Rams fans are smarter than Lions fans (they voted Pelosi in…oops forgot about our gov).
  3. disregard this - I’m not really well-versed enough on the topic to respond

but still…
Matt Stafford is a big, hairy, American, winning-machine!


If I were to be more serious, and more honest, my answer would have looked very much like this.

You should concentrate on high school football… Friday nights! Lights! Go for it!

Sorry, I’m just freaking out right now. I’m getting my confidence back by the second though.

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Yeah I want to sit in your lap and watch high school football

OMG that is SO good, bro. Hilarious.

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No thanks, I am good