FA Targets?

OK, now looking forward to the draft, but since we have Cap $$$, can someone list “Gettable” Free Agents that would be good fits?

Obviously, DL, DE, and CB at the top of the list. While we have drafted very well, I think a proven CB is a must.

After we passed on numerous players at the trade deadline, many said to be patient and wait for offeseason free agency. Just wondering who we looking at.

I think we won’t be big free agent shoppers, I figure we will get one-maybe two at most and be done .

We have cap for this season that wont be available in future years when all of the expectes new contract extensions kick in. So we have to be wise.

Basically we can only responsibly sign big short term contracts (like 3 years or so) if we want to be able to pay sewell, Hutch, st brown, goff mcneil ect in 2025 and moving forward

Well i hope not. Team has the money and lions aren’t a team in rebuilding mode any more. Players seem to love DC.

Just curious on this thinking…isn’t this team so close to winning now, where its worth maxing out in '24, and worrying about future resigings later?

This team hasn’t won a title since '57, and seems like a couple pieces away of having a great chance to win now.

Fuller is my number one target at cb

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