Finish This Sentence: Detroit can beat Carolina IF


Holy crap, the stupid post guidelines won’t let me leave the post as “an incomplete sentence.”

Ok, mother.

Detroit can beat Carolina if …

…they get the run game going.
…Carolina doesn’t show up.
…they play inside, since they’re apparently averse to snow.

Stupid rules.

If Kerryon runs for +150 AND Jim Bob Cooter wakes up on the roof of the hotel and Patricia and co. forget where they’ve left him, setting off an insane but often hilarious chain of events that include a Chinese gangster, strippers, and Mike Tyson!

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Cam gets injured

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It would just turn into the day Tyler Heinicke turned into a superstar and made a name for himself in the league.

Ha, remember when Jake Delhomme got kmocked out of the game and the mighty Chris Wienke and Ricky Proehl beat us? I do…

Back up QBs are lion tamers…

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I’ve got one worse for ya, @Guitargod19

Remember when Joey Harrington did it with Miami?

Honestly, I don’t think its possible. :wink:

Anything is possible
Steelers kicker their sorry asses
This is the Lions we’re talking about

Hope your right. But I let them fool me after the Miami game. I really bought in…and you know the rest of the story. The team I’ve seen the last 3 weeks will struggle to win another game. I mean the bills would put a hurting on us. Hope we start to see some improvement soon…but I’m not expecting it. Most weeks I’ll be happy if we’re just competitive.

Pigs grow wings and take to the skies

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McCaffrey and Newton announce they are in love and elope right after the opening kickoff.

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If God ices the kicker…again!:rofl:

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If the Lions score more then the Panthers.