First practice report

Obviously a lot of time to go, but some promising starts:


Oh Manu looks good in #59… so good. Houston should have never dropped such an amazing number.


And from Twentyman:


My favorite part in the Lions Wire link concerned Manu:

And then there was the moment of epiphany. In a run-blocking drill, after getting some personalized instruction from OL coach Hank Fraley, Manu had a perfect rep. His hands were exactly where and when they needed to be into the chest of the blocking mark. Manu’s shoulders locked and he drove a 305-pound lineman backward like a locomotive pushing a Prius. And all at once, any wonder about why the Lions traded up into the fourth round for such a project quickly blew away in the brisk May breeze.

The athletic potential almost doesn’t seem fair compared to the other linemen around him, even sixth-round pick Christian Mahogany (more on him in a bit). There’s a lot of work needed before Manu could ever be trusted in a game, but if he comes even close to fulfilling the athletic promise he showed on that glorious rep, the NFL won’t be ready for him.


Rakestraw’s visibly quite a bit smaller than Arnold, who is listed at 6-0 and 199. Rakestraw is listed by the Lions at 5-11 and 190, but both (especially the 190) seem a touch inflated when seeing him stand next to Arnold or doing a drill alongside rookie tryout CB Kyler McMichael, who is a very legit 207 pounds at six feet tall.

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Now if we could only get a voice over.

Manu Manu.


Random Camp Video:

Just…man does Manu carry 350 lbs well. Literally insane.

Love how Rakestraw became a reporter and asked Terrion questions, lmfao.


If Hank Fraley can get the dudes technique nfl ready look out…6 foot 8 354 pounds… and build like a brick shit house and can really run.


Special weapon: Two things stood out to me watching running back Sione Vaki’s first day on the job. 1. He’s got terrific hands. 2. He’s going to be a beast on special teams. The Lions went through a special teams period and I counted three straight times when Vaki was on the coverage team getting by his man and being the first person to the ball carrier. I see now why Lions GM Brad Holmes called Vaki the best special teams player in the draft. He was certainly that in Allen Park Friday.


Yeah which is interesting since they both measured in at the combine. Officially Arnold was 5116, 189 while Rakestraw was 5113, 183. They should basically be the same size.

Why 59?: As soon as I walked around the corner of the building to head back to the practice fields at Allen Park, I could spot rookie tackle Giovanni Manu. He’s hard to miss. He’s at least a head above everyone else along the o-line. Manu is massive at 6-foot-7, 354 pounds but he’s really put together.

He was asked after practice why he chose No. 59. He said it was partly because it’s his father’s birth year, but he also said with Penei Sewell No. 58, he wants to be the next great Polynesian player after Sewell and that’s part of the reason why he chose the number right after Sewell’s.


I just assumed he was honoring me…but those are pretty good reasons too :laughing:

nice! Make some extra money on a hand moisturizer commercials!

I love Brad for drafting all these guys that you just want to root for. Every player you just want to see become HOFers. Not just for the Lions sake, but because these guys just seem to have the drive and most endearing personalities. I love it!


Who is going to win the Miles Macik-Demario Ballard award for the most overhyped undrafted rookie FA WR this season?

Probably Williams for sure, though I fully expect him to stick around already lol.

My personal faves at UDFA are OL, but they never become Den favorites.

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Everyone knows colleges fudge the numbers. But how can combine numbers be inaccurate? Don’t they all stand on the same scale?

Gallon of water weighs close to 10 pounds. Pretty easy to cheat the weigh ins.

chris farley GIF

Smash some carbs and salt. Drink a shit ton of water. Weigh in. Then go piss like a race horse.


slow 40 time?

Some carbs not an all you can bread bar…lol

Once you have a massive piss you’re fine. The hardest part is holding the piss to weigh in. I’ve done it several times in my playing days. Coach says you gotta make 240… I’ll make 240 for 13 seconds.