Former NFL and Central Michigan star WR Antonio Brown files for bankruptcy

One of the great 6th Rd picks of all time. I remember wanting the Lions to take him, but after all the trades, the draft capital wasn’t there in Round 5 (or 6).

Brown has become an advertisement for the benefits of mental health counseling.

I am not sure that’s it’s a bizarre statement to suggest he is capable of going to the hall. His numbers are pretty solid for his prime years as well as 80+ TDs.

Couldn’t have happened to a more fitting shitbird!

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Earned $74M from the NFL, plus endorsements:

Fire Burn GIF by Epitaph Records


Antonio Brown had about as rough of a background as is possible in the US. He was homeless for a chunk of his teenage years, and obviously had essentially zero support network.

I’d really like to see the NFLPA step up in these situations. I think some sort of peer mentoring and vigilance by the union reps of each team could go a long way towards making this sort of story less common.


Antonio Brown?? I never would have seen this coming. he was always so wise and level headed! What a shock.


Goes to show you that CTE is real… the dude wasnt the AJ Brown we know before he took that crippling head shot. Brain damage changes peoples personality.


I’ve thought the same thing. Even when the CBA was being negotiated 15-ish years ago (De Smith’s 1st effort) I thought that the union should be responsible for socking away some of their earnings for them so that this “broke after 3 years of exiting the league” isn’t so common. I think the league would be more willing to increase the percentage they give up if some of it is future contributions, too.

It’s something that has to be voted on by the members and the members are the ones that want their money now. No doubt it would be for the best, but there is no way the members will vote for it, they all think they can control their spending AND they will play in the NFL for a long time.


That’s not what I was proposing.

The NFLPA already gives at least some high-level financial counseling to all incoming players.

I was more suggesting that the union should make player well-being a bigger part of their mission, especially between contacts.

They could absolutely be more proactive in trying to identify and offer help to guys who need it. It’s not a cure-all, as they can only lead the horse to water. However, I think a lot more could be done and I think the NFLPA is the right entity to do it.

Understood. The number of players broke 3 years after their last contract is staggering. While I agree the union (as the players advocate) is the best entity to help them, I think more than counseling and intervention is needed.

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I could have sworn AB had issues at CMU before the hit.

He had some minor issues. But after the hit he lost all ability to control himself emotionally. He went from a 5 in the issues scale to eleventy squared. He became a total basket case.

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The reporting shows he was a big time head case far before the head shot. Of course that had an effect, but this wasn’t Dr. Huxtable and Mr. Hyde before/after.

EDIT Annnnd…now I read the rest of the thread where this point was made and replied to…
Sorry Shame GIF by reactionseditor


He’s a frickin’ idiot, always has been and always will be.

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He went from being a semi-controlable idiot to a goddamn dumster fire. We both are correct.

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I’m pretty sure there’s some actual mental illness involved with AB.

That doesn’t excuse his behavior or get him out of the consequences of that behavior, but it should temper the “Good, f#&@ that guy” responses.


Yeah unfortunately I don’t see this story ending well for him got a bad feeling on this one.

I’m not going to pile on the dude. Clearly he’s got issues. Shame he blew all his money. Unfortunately a lot of players have went bankrupt after making incredible money.

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Idiots and their money are soon parted.