Frank Reich fired

Did not see this posted - lock if it is duplicated.

I actually think Reich is a decent coach. Sometimes circustances are just hard to overcome. Not sure what he could do here but he might be a good addition as a consultant.


Reich is a good coach. I’d prefer him to Dan. He just made the mistake of anchoring himself to two different veteran QBs, neither of which delivered for him, after going 11-5 with Rivers and what turned out to be really, really bad Luck before that.


I have cousins that are Colts fans, so ive heard from them about Reich

Issue is they have regressed massively, especially the OL (They gave up 9 sacks yesterday to the pats), and playcalling has been atrocious (He draws up the first 15 plays apparently, and they never score in the first quarter at all, and they are the only team in the NFL who enters the 4th quarter without a lead)

So uh yeah, its been bad, QB options have also been bad, and WR talent has been atrocious, which is on Chris Ballard aswell (Who i view Holmes in a similar light rn, Great Drafter, but terrible in FA)


So uh

COlts Hired Jeff Saturday, who has had no coaching experince at the NFL or College Level to be their interim head coach


3-7 his last year coaching HS football, this is uh interesting…


Colts are even trying to hide their tank efforts


I, for one, refuse to believe that the team that kept starting Curtis Painter once they knew Peyton Manning was done would sully themselves by tanking. It’s a mere coincidence that the best quarterback prospect in a generation was up for grabs in the next draft.

Speaking of that QB, I haven’t heard a peep about Luck since he retired. I’m guessing he changed his name and moved to an island in the South Pacific to avoid all of the calls he was getting from Indianapolis every offseason.


He hitched his wagon to Sam freaking Ehlinger. Seems like he was asking to be fired.
Management is the real issue though. Get a real QB ffs.

Build the team then get your QB didn’t work so well for the Colts.


Quick hire him. We will love him with this record.

“Reich, 60, was 40-33-1 (.547) in the regular season and had a 1-2 record in two playoff appearances.”

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Straight from his cushy ESPN job to Head coach in the NFL!? Wow, that is a strange one. He has no idea of the offensive or defensive strategies the Colts are running right now. He hasn’t played in the NFL in over 10 years and has never coached in the nfl. Reminds me of the Lions hiring Millen out of the broadcast booth.

Confused Married With Children GIF


Colts fired their o cord last week too. So is Saturday calling plays too?

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Saturday knows football, knows that organization so I’m sure he knows what schemes they run on offense and defense. Now what he might not know is the nuances of being a head coach at this level….stuff like clock management, substitution patterns or when is it a time to go for two or kick the FG.

He at least had a lot of success coaching HS ball…lol those 3 wins last season were very impressive. very strange hire.

Also doesn’t the Rooney Rule still apply here!?


Pretty sure they started 1-5 or 1-6 in his first season too. He seems a decent guy who won’t be out of work too long.

Only on Sundays.


The Colts are weird. They were saving like $50M in unused salary but are impatient in so many other ways. They don’t have consistent direction with their actions.


Yea, it’s all Jim Irsay, he hands out $100 bills to people left and right, but he is cheap as hell when it comes to spending on his players on his football team.

Phillip Rivers, Carson Wentz, Matt Ryan . . . None are good QB’s at this point, I’m not sure what he expect Reich to do. I think Ballard should have been fired before Reich.

And Saturday? What is this Easterby trying to bring in McCown?

At least we aren’t the Colts.


Just don’t ever let Jeff Saturday in the HOF please. I was a pseudo Colts fan for the entire time I lived in Indiana (Jeff’s prime) and Jeff was nothing more than a poor man’s Dominic Raiola that was loved by his teammates.

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Not for in-season interim I don’t think