Full MCDC transcript from 1/1/24 presser

January 1, 2024

Opening Statement: “Happy New Year, hard to believe it’s ’24. Just from the game the other day, things I thought we did well, we started the game and the third quarter, I thought we did a really good job. Offensively, we drive the field and get three out of it. Of course, we want seven, but we did score, got off to a fast start. Defense takes the field, gets an interception, it’s a heck of a job by (Lions S Ifeatu Melifonwu) Iffy over there on the sideline. And then we come out after halftime and defense takes the field, forces a punt, and offense, we go all the way down the field and get a touchdown. Really, that O-line took over. We bared down in the run game. (Lions RB) David Montgomery came to life there, gave him some – a lot of carries there and he really took it all the way down the field, receivers blocking, like they normally do, just getting after it. So, no, that was really good. Defensively, three sacks, seven quarterback hits, eight TFLs, an interception, forced fumble on (Cowboys WR) CeeDee (Lamb) going in. So, man, we did some really good things. Disruptive, played hard, played physical. We were there, man. We were there to win. I was proud of the guys, but we gave up – man, there were a couple of critical third downs on defense, could’ve gotten off the field, should’ve gotten off the field and we didn’t do it. CeeDee got after us a little bit. And then, offensively we just – third downs killed us. We were actually in manageable situations, we just – we just couldn’t – we just never found our rhythm, really, consistently. So – but, you go on the road, man that’s a playoff-type atmosphere. And that’s what’s good. That’s a playoff atmosphere, a really good team, played at a high level. And so now, you’ve got a little taste of what that’s like and it’s right there. We’re right there, so we’ve got a lot to build off of. They’ll come in tomorrow, we’ll clean this tape up, make the corrections, which will be great for us. And we’ll be good, man, we’ll move on. We’ve got Minnesota, we’ve got one more before we start the tournament.”

On how long it took him to get past his frustration over the game against the Cowboys to prepare for the Vikings: “I’m good. I woke up yesterday, I’m ready, man. I’ve got controlled fury and I’m ready to go. I am absolutely ready to go. I don’t go the other way, so. And the team won’t either. We’re on a mission and we’re not going to – we’re not going to feel sorry for ourselves and wallow in everything. We had plays to make, we didn’t make them. And it’s a tight game, a good opponent, playoff-type atmosphere and you’ve got to make that one extra play that we didn’t and so we will use this as fuel. I’ve got pure octane right now. I woke up, I’m ready, so we’re moving forward.”

On what he would tell fans who believe the NFL holds biases against the Lions: “Don’t do that. Don’t do it. I know – I get it, but don’t do that. Don’t buy into that. Don’t live in that world, man. That will just pull you down. And if it makes you feel any better, the NFL is against every team, alright. Because look, I was at New Orleans, so I know what that feels like. And – but you know what? We walked away. Even in that game, we had chances to win and – before all that happened, but that one ended it. That was it, man. We walked away, packed our bags and left. This one, we got a taste of what that’s like, but we’ve still got a chance. We haven’t even started the tournament. So, this is a – I think it’s a blessing. And I would tell fans, ‘Don’t do it. Don’t even believe that.’ We’re just getting started.”

On why he considers the two-point conversion attempt and the outcome against Dallas ‘a blessing’: “Because of what I just said. What just happened. What just happened, man. We were in it, we were in a tight game, had a chance to win it, we weren’t able to and so now you know what that’s like. You know what that feels like, and you can’t let that opportunity slip, man. You don’t know when that play’s going to be made. Could be the first quarter, second quarter, right before halftime, so that’s why.”

On if there is anything he would have done differently in the preparation or execution of the two-point conversion attempt: “No.”

On if the Cowboys defense did something differently in the backfield to halt the run game: “Their defense? Yeah, look and that was one area – that’s one of the areas that we had a – they had a number of TFLs on us. They had about seven of them, which is too much. And that hurts. And I can tell you, when you’re in (Lions Offensive Coordinator) Ben (Johnson)’s seat and you call a first-down run and you lose three and now you’re second-and-13, those are tough. So, there were. And now, look, I’m going to give those guys credit too now. They’ve got two of the best ends in the League. One of them is, I think, the best rusher in the League and that’s (Cowboys LB Micah) Parsons. And the other, (Cowboys DE DeMarcus Lawrence) 90, you can’t sleep on this guy. And I don’t think any of us slept on him, but I think people forget, he’s a complete defensive end, man. He plays the run, he’s stout, he’s explosive and he can rush the passer, so you’ve got those two guys. (Cowboys DT Osa Odighizuwa) 97 is disruptive, so that front, man they’ve got speed and violence. And there were just a couple of things, man movement got us on a couple of areas and we got hit on the perimeter a little bit and we’ve got to be a little bit better, tight end position. We’ll be better as we move forward. And some of that, look, it’s the first time that we saw some of that type of speed upfront. And it got us on a couple of things. Now, some of it, there’s two or three that are targeting and that has nothing to do with speed. That has to do with just being, ‘Hey, we’re locked in here. This is where we go.’ But yeah, those hurt a little bit.”

On if Lions T Dan Skipper wiped his numbers when he came onto the field for the two-point conversion attempt and if that could have caused confusion for the officials: “Not that I know of. I don’t – did you see something?”

On if there was a way to correct the official when he announced Lions T Dan Skipper as the reported eligible receiver: “I don’t have a timeout. I mean there’s nothing I can do. And it’s loud, you can’t hear anything, not where we were at. I think right when the play started you realize that they had IDed 70. So, look it is what it is.”

On if he heard the referee announce Lions T Dan Skipper as eligible in the stadium: “(Shakes head no).”

On why three offensive linemen were going in the direction of the official when Lions T Taylor Decker went to report as eligible: “If you’re running a play like that and (Lions T Dan Skipper) 70 is your jumbo tight end, and they know that because that’s what he does for you, and then you’re going to decide you’re going to make 68 eligible and he walks over to the ref, and then the ref stands over 68 before you play and they hold the ball and they stand over and point at it, do you think you’re going to be able to throw the ball to 68? No, so it’s about eligibility. That’s what it’s about. And it has nothing to do with the ref, the ref knows. He knows because 68 reported. It’s for the defense so that they see three different people and you’re just hoping they happen to not hear that’s it’s 70. That’s all. Now, you saw what (Lions DL Aidan Hutchinson) Hutch did last year here at Green Bay, they did the same thing to us, and Hutch picked it off, right? Antenna was up, just kind of, ‘Oh, alright,’ he made a play.”

On if he drew out the two-point conversion trick play for the officials before the game or just verbally went through it: “Why do you guys want to talk about this? I’m not getting into it. No, I had it on a piece of paper. Our play, what our players have. All I can do is talk through it. That’s all I can do.”

On if he thinks the players share his ‘fueled by octane’ sentiment to finish out the season: “We built this roster for a reason. They’ll be just fine.”

On if they plan to give Lions DB C.J. Gardner-Johnson snaps against the Vikings: “Yeah, would love to. Love to get C.J. involved, love to get (Lions DL Alim McNeill) Mac involved, love to get (former Lions FB Jason) Cabinda involved, but that’s all – here we are it’s Monday. But that – just tentatively, that’s in my head.”

On if there is a chance Lions DL Alim McNeill will return to practice this week and potentially play in the game: “I think there’s a shot. Yeah, I do. I do.”

On if he has met with the players today: “No. They’ll be in tomorrow.”

On if they expect former Lions FB Jason Cabinda to come back to the team: “I hope.”

On Lions WR Jameson Williams’s injury update: “Yeah, so, he’s doing alright. I mean, he’s got a little bit of an ankle, but it’s – it’ll be day-to-day right now, but nothing significant.”

On if he is planning to play the starters against Minnesota: “Yeah, that’s the plan right now, is play our guys.”

On if he is worried about trying to move past the Dallas game and not let it affect the players: “Yeah, no, no, honestly, I feel great about it because I, for the most part, until you guys asked me the questions, I’m over it. I don’t even want to deal with it. (Lions President and CEO) Rod (Wood)’s handling all of it, man. He’s got it and I don’t even want to deal with it. I’m done. I’m good. I just want to go, and I want to get ready for Minnesota and our players will be ready to roll. I know they will.”

On if there is any injury concern for Lions TE Sam LaPorta: “No, he’s good, he’s good.”

On if Lions President and CEO Rod Wood has heard back from the League yet on the controversial on the two-point conversion attempt: “No, not that I know of.”

On if contractors showed up at his house on Sunday: “No comment.”


I should pin this atop the forum.

Ya’ll think Dan is great? Yes. So do I. Take him up on this, please. He’s smarter than you are. He knows more about how the league operates than you do.


There isn’t a single answer or message in this entire thing that surprises me in the least. MCDC does not have time to ■■■■ around with the refs bullshit - and neither should we. Only thing he wants to do is kick Minnesota’s ass. Then kick so-and-so’s ass. Then go to Dallas in three weeks and kick their ass.


Extend Dan Campbell for another six years right now!!!


What is this question about? I don’t get it.

The Man understands living in the moment! Learning from the past and preparing for the future and when it become your new present

Recovery 101 baby!! We are powerless over the past; even shit from yesterday

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Jay Glazer said that someone pranked his house by having contractors show up first thing NYE morning.

That should be pinned at the top of every game thread :joy:


Maybe break out the crayons for Brad Allen before the game and make sure his five year old brain understands numbers

Where did you find that transcript? Did you write it up yourself?

Dan may not have time or inclination to be petty about it, but I do. We should all wear these shirts during the home playoff game


A whole stadium full of fans wearing those would be perfect.


Dan may not have time for it, but I do. Is that just a pic or is that actually a thing?

It’s an actual thing. Was advertised to me on Facebook. I don’t want to advertise on here but if anyone wants one just message me and I can get you the link. Can’t really vouch for the company that makes them as I never heard of it before today but it looks legit-ish

Fans will be quick to boo the officials
Wondering what the right thing to do is here? We dont’ want the officials to have an “us vs them” attitude with the crowd either. Humans are human…

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