Game day celebration


I think it’s pretty evident they love their coach


You think every one in that room wouldn’t run through a wall for that man? Lots of second guessing about the play calling lately, but he’s trying anything and everything to get those men a win. Has it been questionable, yeah, it sure the ■■■■ has, but he’s making drastic calls to light sparks. That’s a MF spark in that locker room if I’ve ever seen one! He’s a rookie coach (Miami blah bla) How many of you aced your career in your first couple of months??? Crickets. Give the man a break. At least he’s making balls calls at balls times. I respect that, win or lose. I’d rather have that with accountability than someone who takes the easy way out and diverts blame. That locker room says a ■■■■■■■ LOT.


Fire 'em all, boys. Let’s hurry up and get that next rebuild underway.


Fun moment. I wish we as fans got to do that together. Because we fucking deserve it. 364 days without a damn win. Give us a damn champagne bath lol


My reaction to that:

F$ck draft position, let’s string together some wins fellas.


Loved seeing Holmes right there in the celebration too and ownership…they are all in this


Love our coach.
Love what they’re building.
Love the brotherhood.
Will love the winning very soon.
This is a team that is going to win the fist fight 90% of the time, when they get the roster built out.


Oh, the irony!

You’re going to need a LOT more cameras. One to cover the fans in the room, the other to cover the ones out in the hall insisting that the strategy that led to the win wasn’t a strategy at all.

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That’s totally not what I was thinking…

Must tank…

For draft picks…

Tanking SZN…

Fail Hal 9000 GIF by Challenger


100% agree and saw you mention this in another thread. But I agree completely. Better talent, improvement in development and play calls, dude every single one of those guys was all in.

1 2 3 FAMILY says it all!


I agree here too… ok so we don’t get Hutchinson, so what… we are still getting good draft picks and the lower the pick the more flexibility to trade down, get players at other positions, etc…

As much as I would love to have Hutchinson on the lions, I would not be upset if we failed of 3 more wins and picked 4th or 5th. So what. Build the culture and bring in the players that fit. They’ll find them. They already have

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I have been saying for years in this forum that you don’t build a winning culture by losing for higher draft picks.

I am in the minority by holding that opinion which to me is an obvious truth.

I am happy for those guys. They won IN SPITE OF their meathead coach



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In spite of, or because of?
You already know what I think.


The games he’s taken over playcalling they have been in every game. Not sure what happened with Lynn, but there has been no evidence of dissent, coaches going rogue, and everyone still seems on the same page. That locker room celebration says a lot.

Like @BigNatty has been saying, we get more talent on this team and continue having this fighter not gonna die mentality, look out. The potential is there for this to become a very dangerous team… it’s just year zero and harder to see now…

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Yup - I hope we get a really good OC, cuz that’s not Dan.
These people will be like fighting against Clay Guida in his prime. You may win, but it’s gonna suck. The amount of effort and guts, and how long you have to stand in front of his relentless, fearless energy…it’s just a massive pain in the ass to have to face that. We will be like that for ppl. NOBODY will look forward to playing against this team. Extra mental preparation to hve the guts to face 4 quarters of that shit.

We will become a team that wins the 2nd half of games, especially late in the 2nd half. 4th quarter will be our best quarter. They will want nothing more than a shower and a hot meal. They’ll wanna go home and lick thier wounds and be left alone, after playing a Dan Campbell coached team. This is coming.

We don’t even have an NFL roster, and we’ve been in a ton of games.
Add a couple of home run hitters on O, a monster pass rusher, and some more team speed on D. Shit is gonna get very real very quickly.


What do you think about Joe Brady? Don’t let anyone tell you he won’t work here because of Carolina, because Goff is actually better than Sam Darnold and we have a much better O line.

The logical person in me wants me to doubt all of that because that seems just to damn good for the Lions but damn the slappy in me gets excited thinking about it.

This team clearly lacks talent, but with an extremely tough schedule this team has competed every week except two. Could’ve easily beaten the Vikings twice, Ravens and Steelers. This team is playing well beyond their talent level, that much is obvious. If Holmes and Campbell make the right moves maybe we can compete in what should be one of the worst divisions in football in 2022


Awesome! Doesn’t get any better than that.

I’ll be surprised if Dan Campbell doesn’t lead us to some success.

Great win today fellas.