Generating pressure

Hutch leads the league in Pressures -

Hutch 13
Parsons 12
Carter 11

Zero Pressures recorded from our IDL
Alim Mcneil - 36 Rushes - 0 Pressures
John Cominsky - 31 Rushes - 0 Pressures
Benito Jones - 29 Rushes - 0 Pressures
Levi O - 9 Rushes - 0 Pressures

Imagine if we had Carter pressuring from the middle witn Hutch outside. Starting to feel like Holmes outsmarted himself this draft


Not good

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I expected a lot more out of those 2.

I hate to bring this up, but we did lose the D-line coach this offseason. The D-line has 0 sacks in 2 games so far. Anzalone only guy on the team with a sack.


Hudge miss by holmes

Didn’t Hutch have like 9 pressures against KC? Zero QB hits yesterday. I was hoping he’d make Geno scream, “Oh my gawd!”

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This pressure always works…

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Once again we didn’t pass on Carter because of who he is on the field. He wasn’t on our board because of who he is off the field.

And I also think it’s fair to attribute at least some of Carter’s success to the attention the guys around him demand.


It gets a little tiring hearing we should have drafted this guy instead. To me it’s a waste of energy and not productive because none of us have time machines. It’s just the reality of drafts and no team is perfect. I still like Brad’s drafts regardless, but time will tell in the long term.


Levi and Pascal not living up to the billing has been a huge disappointment for the Lions.

But yes…drafting a RB and ILB in the first round is questionable to begin with. Nevermind Gibbs doesn’t appear to be a every down back and in all honesty, Campbell was probably over drafted as well. Both of which were luxery picks for the Lions in positions that we’re not needs. While the needs were neglected. It’s early still but not looking like Holmes best.

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What’s interesting about that is Alex said it wasn’t a pressure call that got him to the QB. He was in coverage and when he saw Geno in a compromised position, he said “screw it” and took off after him and got the sack. Heady play by Alex.

I think one of our problems right now is that our pass rush game is not “married” to the coverage. So when we get to the QB, the kind of throws that are open are the exact kinds of throws a QB is looking for in those situations. I am going to spend some time doing a deep dive on the All 22 cam and report back what I find. If we are going to play soft underneath than we need to start going after QBs aggressively for sacks and knock downs. It is starting to look like teams know we prioritize containment over getting the sack, so QBs feel relaxed in the face of pressure rather than…you know…pressured.

Here is an example that I remember. This is a good pressure call to blitz CJGJ off the edge. He has a free run at Geno while Geno still has his head turned.

Geno still doesn’t have his head around, and CJGJ is already slamming on the breaks to “contain” Geno rather than attack him. That’s fine if you have a plan in your coverage that is married to the concept.

CJGJ doesn’t get the sack, but he has compromised Geno’s ability to make MOST throws from this position. However, the easiest throw imaginable is the one we didn’t marry the coverage up to take away for force Geno to make “a real throw.”

And my theory is that even though CJGJ was in Geno’s face immediately, Geno didn’t panic because the coaching staff let him know we are going to contain in lieu of pressure. So he knew he had the extra beat to get off the pass.


That play did really bug me because it was obvious CJGJ slowed down. Makes sense as to why from your breakdown, even if I don’t agree with it.

And really Geno should have thrown that ball away once he got out of the pocket. No idea what he was doing running backwards so much. That should have cost them the game if Coach Campbell didn’t play to tie instead of winning the game late.

I was hoping for a Kalif run back TD ala Jets game. Their punter made a hell of a kick though


Good breakdown on that play. This is a prime example of what I called the Passive-Reaction defense (in another thread) that Glenn has them playing. It is NOT an attacking defense. This example of contain first rather than attack is a perfect example. This approach combined with the soft zone we played mostly is a recipe for giving up a ton of yards, although this play you show looks like man defense. I hate the approach because it keeps the defense on the field way too long.

I’m glad we have people on this board like you who can explain the nuances of defense to defensive idiots like me.

That’s the perfect way to say that.

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I think what it highlights our real issue being we didn’t have houston covering that TE. could’ve been a game changer.

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