Goff is in some rare air!

So I was talking with my buddy (An Eagles fan from New Jersey) and he is hearing all the national media talking about Goff. And yes some are critical but most are supporting Goff and saying how hard it is for him to be doing what hes doing.

When Goff was in LA many people said it was all on the team NOT Goff. Well here’s something to counter that point.

I went back to the mid 80s. And only found 5 other QBs to match what Goff has done…… lead a top 5 scoring offense on 2 separate teams.

Favre did it with GB in 94 then MIN in 09
Vick did it with ATL in 02 then PHI in 10
Breese did it with SD in 04 then NO in 11
Manning did it with IND in 03 then DEN in 12
Brady did it with NE in 04 then TB in 20
Goff did it with LAR in 18 then DET in 22

Countless other QBs had major success with one team then FAILED with another.

Those 6 QBs know how to take an offense and make it work.


I heard this already on 1-800-FOR-GOFF!

Call now!


Interesting. Good work man!


Also just heard Goff is trailing only Stafford and Marino in getting to 25000 yards in their first 7 years. Our boy definitely has skills and durability. He gets a bad rap for his laid back personality.


His teeth could be whiter too


Aside from Goff…. 4 of the other 5 won a Super Bowl with the 2nd team.


let’s say Goff runs another top-five offense this year. How many quarterbacks have run four top five offenses in their first eight years?

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Goff would be signed to a long term contract to stay in Detroit. May happen anyway.

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Sorry, I’m busy on Line 1 with 1-900-Chr-isten


Its not about Goff though. Josh Reynolds is the straw that stirs the drink!

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If u arent for Goff, you can forg off!

wait….rare air. And Goffs last name backwards sounds like fogg
And it’s a supermoon tonight. you know what this means right?

It means watch out for werewolves

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yeah frog off ! :rofl:

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