Goff's Contract and the future

So to start off, I am indifferent on Goff, he has a certain playstyle that will win you games. His ability to thread the needle down the middle and his play action is top tier when the Oline is firing on all cylinders.

But what I found odd was his contract was not reworked during the bye.

It just screams that the coaching staff and brad may have different ideas, I personally think they are behind the scenes trying to make this as team friendly as possible but makes you wonder :thinking:

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I dont think there is any incentive to extend him now. He busts a leg in 2 weeks and its a dead year this and most of next…

Almost no one extends a guy in season like that…cant even remember when it happened last.

Players want the FA inflation bidding war.


I think nothing gets done until after the playoffs.

And how Goff plays in said playoffs is going to determine alot


Got to get Hendon active so he can Wally Pipp him

True, good insight

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They have been in discussions. My guess is there’s an agreement in principal. but I don’t think either side is feeling a huge urgency and anything done during the season could be a distraction.

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I heard a deal was close and then Jared said he’d pipe Sheila.


Well if we win a playoff game I’d pipe Sheila too

Lol ur wife won’t like this at all. But I appreciate your commitment to the team. Someone has to pipe her and just glad it’s not me.

You are a gentleman and a scholar @TNutZz

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Hell if we win a Super bowl, I’ll sneak into the Ford crypt and pipe Martha

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I would be in no hurry to extend Goff. We have 2 years left for further evaluation. It looks like next year there will be about 20 QBs coming into the NFL. I think Goff is similar to Brock Purdy in that he is very effective running our offense if all pieces are in place. When the 49ers were missing LT Trent Williams Purdy was terrible and they lost 3 in a row. I see Goff as a good game manager but not a play maker. He doesn’t threaten a defense with a deep ball like Josh Allen and when he scrambles he looks like one of those tall flailing baloons you see outside a car dealership.


:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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QB protection has been ass and guys like Decker and Rags are being shoved back and out muscled or injured and if one or both of them get pushed around , the rest of the line begins to fail like dominos. Goff can’t BE Goff with 1.75 seconds and he begins to play like crap ., SO–I would say we need help on the O-line and Defense .


Goff has a lot to prove down the stretch. If he can get us to the playoffs and do some damage then you extend him . If not I say no.

Yep. Although, I would argue that VERY FEW QBs can even be ‘decent’ when the O-line is playing poorly. Let alone ‘good.’

I mean, you’re not wrong. But he also doesn’t through 5,467 frustrating picks like Allen does. Goff’s had a rough couple of weeks. But on the whole, I think he is doing very well.

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Glad they didn’t. He’s turning into Whopper hands again

I just spit my coffee out reading that lmao!

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Holmes is a smart guy. He knows that Goff has major limitations and you need a guy who can move in order to win in the NFL. Goff has had a good stretch for the Lions but other than that he was awful. He can’t throw the ball outdoors, he sucks on the road, he is the least mobile QB in the entire NFL.

Getting a competent QB like Goff when moving Stafford was a very smart move by Holmes…but make no mistake he knows we need someone to take this team to the next level.


O line help LOL. The Lions have the best o line in the league. You aren’t going to upgrade from what the Lions have. It’s
Almost like you guys don’t watch other games :open_mouth:

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You know she’s alive, right?