
Just offer him $$$ and he will come back. $50m for 3 years and maybe performance or signing bonus.

I sure hope they donā€™t.


I feel like heā€™s chasing money the way Suh did. Thatā€™s okay. All we can do is put our offer out there and understand that heā€™s gonna do what heā€™s gonna do.
Iā€™d love it if we magically ended up with him at a fair rate, but itā€™s not looking very likely.

Add KG and Waddel to what weā€™re doing on O now. Nasty AF, but not likely to happen.

I donā€™t know if this is a Suh situation.

KG was a mid round pick. This is his one big shot at a nice contract.

I think the problem here isnā€™t KG its his agent. Guy probably advised him to sit last year and not risk further injury. Advised him not to take a nice contract with Detroit cause he could get him more.

I think KG would return. DC needs to call him up and tell him to fire his agent. Only after that will we take care of you.

Kenny is a good playerā€¦just not a 19 mil a year player.

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Dan Graziano


Giants/Kenny Golladay update from me and


  • Heā€™s staying in the area tonight, no deal yet, no resolution expected tonight, still some things to work through. Sounds like still a decent chance they sign him but nothing done yet.

An article with more detail than the typical tweet:

Best shot at a superbowl in the next 3 years Giants not Cinci. He picks the Giants.

However, he is a money guy not Supebowl type.

He picks Cinci.

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What Iā€™m guessing at this point is he is going to take a deal far below what reports said he was seekingā€¦and far below the status the media gave him as one of the top free agents available. Iā€™m guessing right now they are using the Giants visit as leverage for other teams, and when he settles for his lower than expected deal from the Giants it will be sold that he had other offers but ā€œjust felt good about where the Giants were headed.ā€


The signing of Golladay: ā€œI talked to him on the phone. I was trying to recruit him as well. Weā€™d done a lot of homework on him, but I canā€™t say he was our primary target going into free agency. There was a big benefit to having him in the building. We put him through a number of different sessions with a number of different people, and our staff was unanimous to sign him. ā€¦ There was not one person who said, ā€˜No, we shouldnā€™t do this.ā€™ā€¦ He did win people over.ā€

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Good for him! Hope he crushes it

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Interesting the Giants didnā€™t even have him targeted but still ended up giving him an insane contract. That organization feels a bit like a crap show coming from someone who lives in NY

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Awesome for him that he got paid.

But yes, Gettleman got worked, since itā€™s known the next highest was 1@12.

Even if Golladay has a good year or two, the Giants could have sat back and got him for waaaay less.

But who cares, because it worked out well for the Lions.


is it me, or are these things just starting to go our way?


Kenny played for the Lions for 4 years and still most fans canā€™t spell his name correctly. haha


Word :wink:
Loving this shit!

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KG is not off to a great start for Giantsā€¦

The article mentions KG has ā€œstruggled to get separationā€ and that it seemed like he ā€œwas practicing dropping the ball against airā€.

He has time to work on the chemistry with Jonesā€¦ but I have a feeling Shepard and Engram will continue to be the ā€œsecurity blanketsā€ for Jones.

If captain sorehip doesnā€™t light up that conference, Gettleburger is going to look even dumber than he does now.


Did the Giants watch any tape on Golladay before they signed him. Dude dosenā€™t get separation. Danny Dimes blows anyways. Kenny G might not win but heā€™ll be happy with all that money.