Hamlin off breathing tube, FaceTimes with Bills: "Love you, boys"

Hamlin, 24, is talking to loved ones and has also FaceTimed with his teammates, telling the players and coaches, “Love you, boys,” during Friday’s team meeting.

I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Thank God!


That’s great news.

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This is so great to hear. I feared the worst when I read they had to resuscitate him twice.


It’s crazy how everything appears to be trending in a good directions after what we saw Monday. That’s awesome news though and I could only imagine the emotions in that meeting room when Hamlin spoke with the team.


I really believe that @Wenotme was correct, & that he was literally resuscitated back to life after a brief death.
Also - I felt SO strongly that he was gonna come back and be okay. I had the same amount of faith when I was praying that night as I do now.

SO much love from around the country in support of him. So touching.

Love ya, boys! G.D. right!


My biggest fear for that kid was some form of brain damage or mental impairment given how long they had to administer cpr. I’m so happy that there doesn’t appear to be significant damage. All I want is for this young man to go on and live a normal life. Whatever that may be for him.

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The press conference with the physicians shed some interesting info on his situation… which made more sense to me than the media/broadcast reports.

The TV broadcast made a statement that “they worked on him for 9 minutes “…… which seemed to get people thinking they did CPR for 9 minutes.

That was not correct according to the UC physician press conference.

The physicians stated he had a pulse at first…. even when he first collapsed.

They also stated he received immediate CPR once he lost a pulse.
The specifically mentioned he received only 1 round of CPR….
which is 30 seconds as taught in a BLS course.
They also stated he was defibrillated only 1 time… with return of pulse thereafter.

The physicians stated he was intubated on the field prior to being transferred to ambulance…. which was part of the “9 minutes” of care he received on the turf. This is well above the average care most receive is a cardiac arrest. In an average situation… Having EMS on site allows for a bag-mask device to assist with oxygen supply….which is good…. but having a team of physicians capable of intubating on site is incredibly fortunate.


Excellent avatar, by the way.

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Wow - thanks for that insight. Talk about “against all odds”.

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Have been in the space of faith the entire time around this. Love it. Not surprised.