For 2 acrubs and 2 protected 1st rd picks?
Whut in the Axual Fook?
why are we talking Baseball , Basketball , and Golf --here? pretty damn weird. and I could care less about THEM, NHL? kind of can stomach because I used to watch the Wings all the time…
Nate pays me to stir up trouble.
Like a crooked club owner, he pays me in " exposure", but I’m hoping to be picked up by a major league agitprop sports website like Barstool or MacAfee as a contributing douchebag, so I do it.
Tough to find gigs when you are late 50s man. The internet is ageist AF.
Cause its fun talking about other sports and nothing going on with football.
nothing going on in football? We preparing for battle like every other team, making sure we got our ducks in a roll so we can dominate , straight readying our weapons to take the GOLD in 24 !! I’d say Baseball , Basketball, and Golf has nothing to do with THE DEN and how we talk about FOOTBALL-even what our opponents are trying to do , but our focus should be right here because this isn’t January, this is July and we arenot that far out to begin the war of 2024 ! GO LIONS !!
Whats going on with football right now? You can simply ignore it. Nate made it where you dont have to see it. Its that simple.
no I don’t have to see it , I’ll ignore it. but a little hard to ignore when 45% of the threads aren’t football related anymore.