Hey I missed Barnes explanation for that nonsense...what did he say?


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He said he was meant to slip on the turf monster… but the monster didn’t show on time so he just closed his eyes and tried to avoid Dak. :joy:

He’s not getting an oscar for that performance

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“I tried to lower my shoulder and I thought I could get a big boom on him,” Barnes said. "Dak’s a big quarterback, also athletic. He just kind of ducked his shoulder when he came back to the sideline…should have just not let that one go. Looking back at it, that could have been (the difference) in the game, but you never know.“

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That was just trrrrrable. Rodrigo would have put him on the turf sure as heck, but he got zero defensive snaps. Barnes got 46 and delivered ONE solo tackle, 2 assists and the worst play of the game… :roll_eyes:


It was our worst defensive play of the year. Most costly at least.


Where’s @Cap crying of the injustice of Barnes’ snap count???


Derrick’s a good player and a decent guy. It was a bad play but he’s an asset for us.


he said he was trying to pretend he was a torpedo and because torpedoes don’t have arms, he decided not to use them


I’m stilll not a fan of any defense that leaves Dildo 1 on 1 with CeeDee Lamb.

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Live footage of Barnes at practice today…

Falling Down Fall GIF by Julian Frost


JRM would have darn sure made that play too. We have Safeties that would have made that play too and probably CBs.

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But it wasn’t “just” the whiff. I was the 45 other snaps he had and didn’t do jack squat. Absolutely zero reason to be playing him over Rodriguez who can rush, cover, play the run and has far better instincts than Barnes. He’s a poor man’s Campbell at this point IMO and we already have Campbell playing.

Derrick Barnes is a better LBer than Rodrigo IMO


more versatile in more roles at LB, but Rodrigo is a better run stuffer and hitter, and he is mobile, just not as athletic


In what regard?

I don’t dislike Barnes despite his major braindead play against Dak but Barnes doesn’t seem to do anything very well.

So much hate from lions fans

Why not blame for the end that gave up contain or the secondary ?

Pressure when talking about Hutch is a plus and that was extreme pressure that disrupted the play.

I’m sure they’d blame somebody else for the loss had it not been Barnes.

He’s rangier. He’s more explosive. He has significantly more length. He has more stopping power.

He’s just a better all around LBer IMO. And that’s not an indictment of Rodrigo who I think is solid.

I happen to think Barnes is quite good. If others disagree that’s fine.

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My view point is diametrically opposed to this. I think outside of coverage instincts (specifically on plays behind him) Derrick does most everything at a pretty high level.

It was just an all time atrocious play. Sh!t happens.

Barnes made some plays:

  • 3rd & 15 at DAL 15

(0:28 - 1st) (Shotgun) T.Pollard left end to DAL 15 for no gain (D.Barnes).

  • 1st & 10 at DET 20

(12:05 - 2nd) D.Vaughn up the middle to DET 17 for 3 yards (D.Barnes; B.Branch).

  • 1st & 10 at DAL 5

(5:39 - 2nd) (Shotgun) D.Prescott pass short left to J.Ferguson to DAL 13 for 8 yards (D.Barnes).

  • 1st & 10 at DET 48

(2:32 - 3rd) T.Pollard left guard to DET 49 for -1 yards (D.Barnes).

  • 1st & 10 at DAL 31

(5:07 - 4th) T.Pollard right tackle to DAL 31 for no gain (K.Vildor, D.Barnes).