Hilarious New Info!

Hahaha @BigNatty, too good not to share.

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So hard for people to understand the plight of the handsome man in our world. The struggle is real AF.

Gets tiring when every woman you meet sees you as a sexy symbol.
My buddies use me as the test → she didn’t even flirt with me once = she’s in love w/you and a keeper (either that or she has amazing restraint).

Always look for the upside.

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The comments on the tweet are epic.

To every man,
the Lord is fair.
To some he gave brains,
to others hair.




If you don’t want to use the internet, or you don’t trust science, you can just ask the women you know…

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I’ll have to use the term “Folically challenged” from now on, don’t want to get sued.

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I’ll bet this end up meaning mechanics can’t use the term “bald” tire anymore as well! It will hurt the wheels feelings


I’m offended that they are offended. Any bald guy who isn’t proud of it and fully owning it gets kicked out of the club.

What is this business of everyone filing a lawsuit every time someone gets offended…ridiculous.
It’s impossible to prevent everyone from getting offended.

What is more important…

  1. Prevent people from experiencing pain (in this case the extreme minor pain of being offended).
  2. Teaching them how to deal with pain (their issues that they should probably not even be offended about in the first place).

“you’re handsome!” (“your bald”)
Proper responses could include…

  • “I appreciate your honesty”
  • “You’re welcome”
  • “Glad I could brighten your day”
  • “Thank you”
  • “My wife thinks so too”
  • “I’ll bet you say that to all the guys”

-“I"m gonna sue”


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So what are they going call Bald Eagles now?! :laughing:


I’m completely willing to go to jail over this shit.
Yesterday I walked up to this dude in the gym and told him, “Hey, brother…I just wanted you to know…I’m always rooting for the bald guys.”
Dude laughed his ass off.

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Imagine being charged for sexual harassment for calling someone bald at work, lol

Such a clown world. Perhaps the workplaces should provide wigs free of charge.

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And now we can’t call a person “hairy” as well correct?! :thinking::laughing:

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“The judge compared the incident to a supervisor commenting on a woman’s breasts.” lol

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I’m now a bowling ball….

I’m now one buttock

The late great Peter Boyle had it right all along. He was bald when it wasnt cool.

I first shaved my head in 1998. Basically some pro wrestlers…Kojack…no white dudes shaving their head back then.

I was loving it. There are a lot more of us now. I was considered exotic to any woman that had a bald fetish. LOL. Great times!

Finally, I get to be part of the victim class!


You might be able to do some retroactive suing. If anyone has ever rubbed your bald head for good luck, that’s worth at least 15 million in civil damages. ha ha

Every time people rub a bald head for good luck, they just walk away horny.

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Haha you’re taking this terrible news so well Natty!

I fully support mandatory wigs in the work place from now on in Countries far and wide!!

Hair Wind GIF

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