Hock leads TE's in yards, Stafford 3rd in passing yards, Kennard leads in sacks and we are undefeated!

Hey, can’t blame a guy for tryin’ … :man_shrugging:


YES!!! The part about some of our guys whipping ass, this is real. Not so on point with the undefeated thing. LOL.

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We sure feel defeated.


I know I do!


That’s definitely what Matty Patty is telling Martha at the weekly meeting



Superbowl here we come!!!

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Reality is that we played really, really well for 3 qtrs other than Agnew killing us with the muff.

We gotta learn how to close though. And hoping our guys conditioning improves with more actual game competition. You noticed we took 2 time outs when the D was on the field in the 4th qtr just to get them a breather.


We have to learn to recover from coaching blunders!


Agnew had lot lots of help from Decker…his play was pathetic.

2 punts and a sack fumble lost in the 1st. I wouldn’t call that “really really well”…

3 3 and outs in the 3rd and 4th. We had a TD drive after the 2nd 3 and out, but then another 3 and out. Then 2 more punts in a row after that.

Can’t blow it that much on offense and expect the defense to be all there, especially when you’re missing Hand and Davis.

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sound wisdom—but i thought the hill and all the joggin was suposed to help condition the players–or did it wear the out before the season ???

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Interesting. Where’s the line? Not sure, but there is something to be said for toughness too. wonder how this impacts the late in the season. I can almost guarantee he’s emulating a lot of NE stuff. Will be interesting to see.

Lets not be hypocritical.

3/4 of the posters on these boards and the dipshits in the Lions sports media were like “Patricia is working them too hard…these guys don’t like it…he’s gonna lose the team” about Patricia wanting to work their ass


Actually, a win would have been better but the Tie will go along way in final record if it comes down to it. Just say the Lions & Packers both have 9 wins trying to get into the playoffs. The Lions would go because of the tie. 9-6-1 is better then 9-7

The next 5 games will say alot about this team. If they can get 2 or more wins, we have a season. If they lose all 5 it’s over. Heaven forbid they win 4 or all… It could happen.


Sam, I believe that too. Anything is possible with this team. I’m going to sit back and watch, before worrying!

Welcome to the board, SamHayne


Welcome Sam! Long time.

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In 2013, the Packers won the division with 8-7-1. Bears were 8-8. I’m not going to talk about the other 2 teams.

The other board was finally shut down right before the season. Seemed like a bunch of familiar names here :slight_smile: