Hockenson graduates as valedictorian of TE University

Saw this in the POD notes, pretty cool! Interesting they held a league wide TE camp for all the pros, very cool collaboration I don’t know has ever happened before on this level with that many players


my man lol GIF by Steve Harvey TV


Kyle Pitts taught the class.

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Pitts can’t hold Hocks jock.

Not even if there’s a fire.

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Maybe that’s why it’s called a valedicktorian


Kyle Pitts doesn’t hold jocks, he destroys them. Death once had a near Kyle Pitts experience.


Not true. He was too busy spending his #4OA dollars.

Who knows what it took to get this belt. But I think it must have been pretty good? Cause I’ll take anything positive. Checking my watch… about time for Calvin to throw some shade because he was forced to by a reporter…

Calvin drops shit on the lions whenever there’s anything solidly positive. Calvin should go away! As much as I loved watching him play… I hate listening to him whine like a bitch.


Word has it Pitts plans to participate in WRU as well.

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So crazy Pitts story from this last week for you guys. I don’t usually share these anecdotal stories but felt I had to here.

Have to travel for work…more than I care for but it is what it is. Flew to our call center in Atlanta this last week. Went out with the client to Famous Daves of all places and guess who is there. Yep KP. He was eating with a beautiful woman.

There was a couple next to them that had a young child. No more than a year old. The kid was quiet most of the night but started screaming out of nowhere. The parents couldn’t calm the boy down.

To my amazement Kyle got up and walked over. I imagined he was about to tell the kid to STFU…but nope he asked what was wrong with the boy.

The parents stated he was hungry but they forgot his milk at home. KP said thats ok I can help out. He proceeded to lift his shirt and nurse the boy right there. It was incredible. The whole place broke out in applause and the kid went to bed with a full stomach. KP then went back and finished his meal.

There is nothing this man can’t do.


Post of the week right here! lol