Holmes Interview from Today

Agnew makes an appearance as well.

Lot of interesting stuff in here starting at the 24 minute mark.

Goff has confidence in himself and the team and resources around him this season (implying he didn’t last year, at least until the end).

Backup QB took an unexpected turn. They had a plan and stuff came out that didn’t fit. They had a lot of options including trading draft capital. They felt this was the best move for right now (Sudfeld). Good to hear how they were thinking about it.

Asked about 2nd rounders injured. Says they knew about all of Levi’s issues and he contributed more than they thought he could last year (I’m dubious they knew the extent of his injuries). Have the trust the process and build for the future. Doesn’t have a crystal ball on some of these things and have to adjust and have backup plans.

Hutch is even more than they thought he was. More athletic than the draft process indicated. More creative than they knew.

Malcom was drafted because they knew he could be a big ST contributor. He’s shown more than they thought faster than they thought about playing defense. He’s ahead of schedule.

Mitchell has a ton of upside still. Catch the ball and run after. Has work to do.

It’s good to hear his 50k foot view where players take time to develop and contribute and he has to project out performance based on history and potential. It’s lobbing mortars 1000 yards away and not sniping targets 100. It’s on the coaches to mold and develop and sometimes it won’t work out.

Big fan of Holmes. Lions got a good and trending towards top 3 GM in my opinion.


I’m wondering if they got wrong information from the team doctors. Sometimes ego gets involved and they say a certain injury should be just fine in a short amount of time. I’ve been through that and that was just in high school. It wasn’t a doctor being paid by the team to get guys on the field.

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Btw am I the only one that reads Agnew and thinks of Jamal right away? It always takes me a second. Lol


I just finished watching the whole video and it was worth it after Holmes’s paean to the effort and sweat put in by all 90 players. I threw up in my mouth a little bit because my bias says that was true for only 89.

I liked their comments on Demetrilicious and Juju Hughes, and I was particularly enamored with Holmes saying he “has too much respect for the unknown”. I think that’s an exact quote?


Who was your guy you didn’t think putting in the effort? I want to see if it’s different than mine.

Coach Brockers. That’s my bias and my broken record.

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Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF


My guy was Boyle. There’s no way you can play that bad in preseason unless you’re not putting in any work and just going through the motions. Especially when you got reps with our first unit.

I would find it tremendously more helpful if he’d just be honest. “Hey with a year off of football and COVID we may have misjudged the severity of his original injury - but we’re fine being patient with such a talented young man who we have big plans for.” That’s the right answer. Making up BS and force feeding people I’m not into.

Me too man. Come on. Holmes has drafted too many injured players high in the draft. I’m a big fan of him but I never deify or vilify our GM so, he’s made some mistakes in my book and he’s still the right man for the job.

He played QB at Eastern Kentucky University lol. Dude had no business being in the NFL and I think he made it 5 years. Had to be doing something right.


He was the Wayne fontes of backup quarterbacks. Just when you thought for sure he’d be out he’d flash all that potential and finish on just enough of a high note. Lol

I love the fact Holmes is comfortable enough to let the Asst. GM sit with him!

True leadership


I wonder how much their previous head trainer screwed the team and players over. That was quite the abrupt firing last year. It seems they are being very conservative and cautious now with the players which is a good thing

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It always makes me think of James woods portrayal of the team doctor in any given Sunday. Are you doing what’s best for the player or for yourself?

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One other thing that stood out to me from this interview was when he talked about AG designing a defense for the players they had. We’ve heard that in the past only to watch coaches try to fit square pegs into round holes, but I think they legit redesigned the defense to best accentuate the talent they have on defense and then went and got guys who can also fit into what they already have.


I like that at the mention of Hutchinson’s name Agnew can’t stop smiling.
Put that together with, “gentlemen, I think we have a defense”
needing girth and getting girth
I’m kind of anxious to see this team play.


Same. If they can go toe to toe with philly on both sides of the ball we may have something. That first week is going to be very telling.


I won’t put too much into the Philly game if they lose. Though they better not get blown out of the water… Philly is a really good team. What I do expect them to win is the following week against the Commandos