Holy hell - funny

So i just found out that the character Ben Stiller played in Dodgeball was based on a real human.

But not just any human.

It is a spot on impression of megalomaniac, and cult leader, David Miscavige.

Bleeding Ben Stiller GIF

I dont care if this is inappropriate. It is hilarious!


I would not have put the 2 together.

Maybe Ben needs to join the Sea Org after his auditing

Miscavige’s brother was the one who said that David is really like that.


How did Cruise sign off working w Stiller then on Tropic Thunder? Unless he, like I and most everyone didn’t underatand Stiller’s mockery of Miscavige in Dodgeball?

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Yeah i have no idea. I heard it from a Scientology expert recent interview. Maybe stiller didnt admit it at the time.

Cruise was awesome in Tropic Thunder too.


He was. That was a perfect Harvey Weinstein. Perfect.

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Speaking of which… what happened to his wife? Wild rabbit hole. She just disappeared.

Once his wife got a taste of Batman, she viewed loving mission impossible as …mission impossible.

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It’s appropriate.

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Either that or Xenu took her out…

aliens weapons GIF by South Park

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Les Grossman
Rex Grossman


Supposidly she has been seen a couple times…

…in the past 19 years.

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