Home Field Advantage Away the rest of the Way

Let’s just say that the fan participation in that SF/GB game wasn’t nearly anywhere near that in Ford Field. Niner fans are pretty die hard but their enthusiasm is more shall I say “west coast latte” vs “MC double shot espresso with whiskey”. Hell they don’t even play in SF anymore. :wink:

I’ll be curious if the gypsy west coat lion contingent is able to purchase enough tickets to make their presence felt this week. Anybody going to the game?

My point is that I’m not so sure the crowd is going to be a big factor in that game for us. I’m more concerned about playing on grass tbh!

I’m willing to bet though that the LV stadium crowd will be leaning heavily Honolulu Blue if the Lions TCOB enough this weekend to grace the SB sidelines this year.

The only super bowl with the Lions in it that wouldn’t be at least 60% honolulu blue is the super bowl that also has the Browns in it.


I was thinking this too. I suspect we’ll see A LOT of blue in the crowd.

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