Honestly assessing Quinn situation with the team

Say hypothetically, injuries happen to the team and they’re not able to provide a record above .500 at the end of the season, 6-10. Do you want Quinn/Patricia back or prefer to going in a different direction.

If going in a different direction, who would be your idea candidate

Uhhhhh…YES! This would be a %100 percent increase in win total from the 2019 season.

3 wins to 6 wins! Bring em back!!!

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No playoffs they should be gone. I have stated before that I actually think you can tell within the first several weeks if guys have the tools to be successful or not. I do realize that Quinn waited to make the coaching change most likely due to Martha’s desires. I also realize that last year from an injury standpoint was total disaster and you can’t fully blame the staff. But they have had time to turn over the roster, get their guys and put in their system. If it does not produce results then the odds of it ever producing results are slim. I like Bevell and think we should do what we can to keep him even if we change out a lot of the staff. So I would be good with bringing in a good defensive guy as HC and pairing him with Bevell. Not sure who I would want as GM but I would stay away from Patriot executives.

Well played! 6-10 no, I think a coach should get 3 years to show improvement and GM’s about 5 years.

I dont’ feel 3 wins was at all indicative of what the roster was. Entire DL and starting QB injured. Refs took one game from us.

I’ve got 10 wins and a wildcard game, this year.

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It’s certainly possible if we stay healthy, the D makes marginal improvement, and the offense takes another step.

On offense I’m stoked to see Swift. I do however worry about no continuity whatsoever on the entire right side of the line with not just each other but also learning a new scheme. I cringe every time I think about it. To be fair though I suffer from Lion’s related PTSD, lol

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For me, there is no scenario where I want them back. Patricia stole two years of opportunity and forced a roster overhaul purely by being an ahole. He has no business being a head coach, and the guy who gave him the gig has no business being a GM.

Contend for a super bowl * this season * and I will grudgingly have to accept that you earned another year. Nothing short of that for me.

By this logic, if they’d won 1 game last year, you’d bring them back for going 2-14. Five years with a win record of 9, 9, 6, 3, 6 and you’re handing out extensions. This is satire right?

Nothing short of a playoff win, gets them back. I’ve had it…Again