Hooker, The Perfect Spot

Good take from Hyatt who played with HH.
I hope he balls out in preseason, I hope he can net us a #1 pick in the 25 draft.

Honest question, why would anyone give us a #1 pick (I assume you mean 1st rd) for a QB that wouldn’t have played one regular season game? This will be the case unless Goff gets hurt.

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They do it every time a college qb is drafted in the first round.


I get that, but just dont’t see it for Hooker. He hasn’t played a regular game in almost 2 seasons.
Big difference

I hope he takes Goff’s job to be honest. Would love a more mobile QB that has more accuracy on the deep passes.


Couple of reasons:
#1 he would have been a #1 preinjury. He is now fully recovered and if he balls out in preseason, he will have more experience than a college QB entering the draft.
#2 What did GB give up for Brett Favre with no NFL game experience?
It happens, not often, but it happens. One can always hope for more Beanz! :innocent:

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I do too but I think that ship is sailed. If Goff is extended HH will either be traded or remain our backup.

Big difference to you. IMO, I would rather have a guy one year later coming out of Dan Campbell’s culture with that developmental maturity than straight out of college.


I’m with ya. I have no attachment to it, as long as we are consistently whipping ass…however, ppl are discrediting any chance of Hook being as Goff…What if he is? Brad’s ability to pick 'em, along with the staff’s ability to develop 'em…I think it could be realistic.


But he’s another year older and still has zero NFL experience. When the Falcons traded Favre away, he was 22. A very different situation.

It’s also highly debatable whether he would have been a 1st rounder or not. No way to know now, and it’s hard to tell with QBs, but he had a ton of question marks. I think he and Penix would have been in a similar bucket.

I just can’t see anyone giving up a 1st round pick (or a 2nd or 3rd) for a 26 year old QB who’s never played in the NFL.


I get this opinion but it ignores many other important traits needed to be a QB in the league more important than mobility and deep throws. Traits that we don’t know Hooker posesses as he will be asked to do a lot more in the NFL/Detroit than he was ever asked to do in college.


True. I didn’t predict he’ll take the job. I just hope he does. That means he’s played well enough that they are comfortable moving Goff. That would be awesome. More athletic QB. Cheaper contract. Plus what we get in a trade for Goff. Maybe a couple firsts from the Rams…

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If Hooker were to be traded for a 1st round pick, it would likely be in 2025.

If all goes according to plan…

Goff signs a nice extension
Hooker plays lights out this preseason.
Hooker is our #2 QB in 2024.
Hooker traded for a 1st round pick in 2025.
Draft a 3rd round rookie QB and sign a veteran back up.


Yep, it is really hard to find another backup QB that was traded for a 1st rd pick. Also like I stated Hooker has no regular season experience.

I just don’t see it either.


That’s fair.
Same time, not sure how much savings you would get beyond a year or two due to Hooker being a third round pick 24 is his second year and the earliest he would take over is 25 and then extend him after the 25 season. So, some savings but not a lot.

To be transparent I like the kid hope he can do what you say above but think the chances are slim that he is more than a good/solid backup QB. The changes from Tennessee to NFL QB play are significant very significant.

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Wouldn’t Vegas be the perfect spot? Until we get our Bangkok expansion franchise at least.

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Truthfully, I don’t think they would either… At least not now.

After one more year on our bench, completely different story… Especially if he tears it up up in the preseason

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Hooker is the ideal representation of “better to have it and not need it …”

We can’t know what tomorrow brings. Goff could be the next joe thiesman for all we know.

We have Hooker until we don’t.

Also - minus live play during a regular season game, he is getting experience and he is healthy and hasn’t taken a pounding yet.

Today, I’m glad we have him; tommorow who know?!

X :100: That’s what I was saying, just not as eloquently. :innocent:

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