Hope for the Future in 2023

Today’s win aside (which feels GREAT…I LOVE seeing Aaron R. lose) I do see hope for this team. I believe Campbell isn’t the answer here but hell, if he finally gets his head out of his ass and allows to get something for our sunken costs so be it.

I really believe there are going to be solid QB options available in this draft early that will set up the Lions to finally have real competition at QB. I am seeing a collection of guys who seem to have 1st rd. QB talent at this point. Young, Stroud, Will Levis and Anthony Richardson seem to be guys folks really like. Hendon Hooker is a guy I like. Point is this is the likely time to draft a rookie and then let Goff fight it out against a rookie finally giving us completion at that position. That competition will either light a fire for Goff OR the rookie wins and we have a solid back up. I like that.

The defense needs more talent and the Rams pick is looking like a place where we can add a solid defensive player. The Rams are 3-4 and it is hard to see them having an amazing run to end the season. This pick will likely be around mid-point in the draft and that may be all we need.

The Lions have free agent $ to spend in 2023. Not crazy $ but enough to land an impact player. Jameson Williams will be healthy.

I am pissed off at this point. Retool my ass. Why in the F did Holmes trade for Goff??!! I get maybe we could salvage him and I understand that. Oh well, time to get our QB in 2023. But I support Holmes at this point (not Campbell as I think Dan is over his head at this point). I see some exciting, young layer out there right now. Paschal, Hutch, Derrick Barnes is starting to find his way, Rodrigo, Kerby Joseph, Amon Ra, Sewell, TE Mitchell (with a TD today!), Hutchinson, Alim, Okudah finding his way and Jameson Williams on deck is exciting. Like him or not Swift is still under contract. Tracy Walker is under contract. Romeo Okwara is still under contract. We have financial options in 2023.

Say we add a top QB and a solid blue chip defender too. Say the Rams tank as we end up with a QB and DT Jalen Carter. That would be amazing. I finally see light at the end of this tunnel and it isn’t happening in 2022. Get these young players playing time in 2022 because we need that core in 2023 as maybe, just maybe the Lions will finally have enough talent to start to really compete. F 2022 but maybe 2023 will start the turn around we are all desperate to watch.

It’s Bryce Young and everyone else in the draft. If we don’t get him we need to roll with Goff again :face_vomiting:

Although Fields is disproving that OSU QB narrative.

Imo many Lions fans are in for an SOL shock when they dont draft a QB in 2023…tellin ya, Holmes loves Goff, and he’s gonna tell Dan to deal with it, or go.

I bc like Goff too but he is folding in the second halves of games. He did that today.

There will likely be a QB there we really like that will represent value early in rd. one in 2023 and Holmes is too smart to pass up the opportunity to solidify the QB position group for a decade with that pick.

Goff and a top rookie is ideal in 2023. Goff feels the heat and the rookie has a vet to beat out. The whole team will benefit from that.

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