How About This Guy For CB Coach?

How about bringing Dre Bly back? He should be able to help these guys turn their heads around.


I think we should bring Tony Oden back. He was pretty good for us and great with the Jets.


Bly was one of my favorites all time, if he can coach would love him back


Bly’s coaching strategy, jump routes and go for the interception every single time.

Loved the guy, but he did get cooked a lot on double moves.


Is he a culture fit?
He’s an ex-Lion, which is nice.
Sounds like he got canned, though. It happens to the best of them, but, it is a red flag.

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Love me some Bly. I used to have his jersey too.


I used to be known as “blyfan” previously. I was a huge fan of Dre’s.


He got fired as a legacy from a college team, yeah that’s a pass for me. His strength was recruiting? NFL isn’t really a recruiting based league other than FA’s & UDFA’s (which area scouts largely handle)

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absolutely hate him

he went to the media to throw joey under the bus

even though it was true that joey sucked, you don’t do that to a teammate

â– â– â– â–  that guy


Calvin mentioned being willing to come back to help the DB’s and WR’s… he wants to come back. Pay the man.

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So he couldn’t coach the DBs at NC and got fired, so let’s bring him here at the NFL level because…….he’s a former Lion?

No thanks.


Never happen. It sucks, but, he’s a PR nightmare.
The NFL can’t allow a “grower” to be actively in it’s ranks when they consider weed a banned substance.

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You’re probably right. Pretty sad, meanwhile they pump the players full of hardcore pain meds to get them on the field every week, but pot will get you suspended.


As a recovering opioid addict (9 years clean), I completely agree. I had no intention of playing with pain killers. They were prescribed, and I was desperate.

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You da man, @Mobetta20

And congratulations! You should consider changing your name back. :wink:


Unless you are a pothead that gets caught during the scheduled checkup, they only test for pot during the offseason. That’s something people need to remember when talking about the weed policy. The players know when its coming and all you have to do is pass, and you are good to go until the following year around the same time. The entire program is built to appease people who are against weed while also only flushing out players who seem to have a legit problem with it. And even after getting caught, they don’t really do anything to the player other than increase testing frequency. When you see a player getting suspended he was not only an idiot who failed a scheduled test that he knew was coming, he failed several more tests that escalated his case.

Nice Call @Mobetta20!


Even a broken clock is right twice a day! :joy:

Fun Fact about Tony Oden - His Uncle and Aunt are from Detroit and retired down here in Charlotte, NC and were neighbors of mine. I remember when Tony got hired by the Lions and they were real excited.