How Far We've Come - Via Inside the Den

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No mentions of Malik WIllis yet? Very strange.

That would be on the “I was wrong side”. But its human nature to not remember all the times we are wrong.

Full disclosure - I was not against Malik WIllis at 2OA but ONLY if Hutch was not there. There were many others who were all in at Willis at 2 no matter what.

-MCDC. Even when we were 1-6 in year 2.
-MCDC’s calls. Pretty much all in, with maybe two exceptions. Love his pedal to the metal.
-MRod in the 6th round. Nailed it.
-Iffy, always thought he’d arrive
Not including all the “duh’s”…Sewell, Jamo trade-up, Branch

Wrong (I’m really bad at QB’s):

  • See above (Willlis–sort of). Thank you Jacksonville.
  • Trey Lance. Although Brad was in on him too, and with Ben, you never know.
  • Goff. I was wrong, but honestly hope he has it in him to keep it up. Another step up or even duplicate this year and I’ll shut up for good.
  • La Porta - loved the trade-down, but did not like that pick, and never so happy to be wrong.

Jury still out:
All in on Jack Campbell pick.
All out on Levi pick. (is there a chance???)



Derrick Barnes—drafted him about 50 times in PFF’s mock draft simulator.


Ifeatu Melifonwu—after seeing him hyper athletic brother bust for the Raiders in Rd 2, was sure he’d be a bust too.

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Loved this post, bro. It would take me 20 mins to go into all the aspects I see.
…bottom line…awesomeness.

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when does the new one come out? The draft was so fun to watch.

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How far we’ve come indeed… who did this? :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Haha that was well done. Worth a watch.


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Had to laugh when all of sudden Sheila’s hair got longer…

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I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so all I really think of when trying to recall my past opinions are those that I was wrong about. I have zero interest in tallying them up.


Be careful inside the Den. Antonio Cromartie spent too much time inside the Den and now his life is very expensive.

I don’t really call that being a perfectionist. I call it “living in the negative.”

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Too soon.

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That alone isn’t it, rather it’s one of the tendencies. I’m probably not interested in psychoanalyzing myself too much at the moment, but thought QBH could understand where I was coming.

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About (5) years ago I started working with a guy who lives completely in the negative. Before him I probably wouldn’t have taken your statement so literally. If we set an ambitious goal to get (10) things done in a day and get (8) of them when only (6) should be expected, he still dwells on the (2) that didn’t get done. Even though they were pie in the sky to begin with. If we get (10) of (10) done its because we made the mistake of not setting the goal high enough or he dwells on another time we didn’t get all (10) done and is already explaining why we won’t get the next (10) done. Its exhausting.


I agree, that would be. He’s got to reign that in. My 1st exposure to the thought of being a perfectionist was actually in a medical discussion I heard on public radio about procrastination. I have an older cousin (my parent’s age) who was a neat-freak. Once a month he’d pull the toilets up to clean underneath them. THAT’S what I always thought of as a perfectionist. That and someone (father-in-law) who is always telling you that you should have done whatever it is that you’re doing another way (their way). Those are the kind of things I think of when hearing “perfectionist”. I would never have associated a chronic procrastinator with someone who’s a perfectionist. Someone so preoccupied with getting things “just so” that he doesn’t start or complete the things he should be working on.


Some people will complain about anything. I try to distance myself from those types as much as possible. They are often not only exhausting but miserable to be around. Misery loves company… no thanks I’ll pass.

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When I was young I didn’t believe in the concept of “energy” or “vibe.” I guess that was because all of us were kids and generally had a similar childish energy about ourselves. Getting older means understanding it better. But it seems like people go further into whatever energy or vibe they have at certain ages.

To me, it was ugly. Glad it went away.

Well I wasn’t trying to suggest I was pro ski mask. I thought it was kind of trite. But it didn’t get me all fired up and certainly wasn’t a reason for me to hate Ducey.

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