How Far We've Come - Via Inside the Den

The Inside the Den episode titled “Building on the Foundation” features Cam Sutton, CJGJ, Isaiah Buggs, and John Cominsky before cutting to the scouts last year!

It shows how dynamic Lions leadership is, because they were WRONG about those 4 guys being “foundational” but they were right about enough other things that none of us noticed!

How about you? In this insane magical ride from NFL joke to serious SB contender in just 3 years, which of your takes was really wrong and which debatable take did you have that turned out right?

I was wrong about:

  1. Jared Goff. I’ve lamented his lack of clutch gene right up until he was clutch for us through every playoff game.
  2. Gibbs & LaPorta. I can’t be the only one who said WTF when those names were called so early. Lions traded back and picked up two STUDS from that one trade. But I was a doubter. No more.

I was right about:

  1. Campbell was the man and I stuck by him when folks were calling for his head after like a 4-20-1 or whatever it was record.
  2. CJGJ was an a-hole that we didn’t need. He looked good to me until he put out that blue mask idea and I realized that he loves the villain role a little too much. Detroit was beloved all over the league for being a bunch of hardworking guys and he wanted to do the whole bad boy city of criminals narrative. Take that ish to Philly.

My jury is still out on:
Brad Holms 4th round pix and beyond. I know he crushed it with Amon-Ra, Houston, and Rodrigo but that was in year-1 when he waited on the board to fall to him. Since then he’s been more aggressive moving all over the board to get BroMart, Manu, Sorsdal, and whatnot from increasingly obscure places. None have panned out yet so he may need a John Dorsey-type getting him to trust the board again.

Come on Den-isons. Please share your honest takes on what you were wrong about, right about, and still doubting. It’s June, we need some good convo here!


Interesting that only the Commish remains 1 year later… and he’s gonna need a good training camp to earn a reserve spot…he sure aint starting


And he’s a dude I really like. But you are so right. I don’t think his contract gets renewed. That’s how far we’ve come.


They were “right” about CJGJ’s role and talent. They were hesitent to take Brian Branch because he was redundant to CJGJ, but they loved what BB brought to the table. They even had to explain it to Sheila when they took Branch. “We realize he plays the same role as the guy we just signed, but…” Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. The staff trusted their board and didn’t “reach” for a different player. They made it happen and now have “the rich man’s” version of CJGJ.


Minus the ski mask and terrible personal foul penalties


It’s so unfair how he gets let off the hook for that due to JRey. Reynolds might have failed to move the offense, but CJGJ gave them 15 and a 1st. He moved SF’s offense for them.


I was calling for Branch in the first round so no issues from me I could not believe they got that dude so late.

Gibbs felt like a luxury pick to me. But has proven to be more foundational then I suspected


What I was 100% dead-money right on

  1. Coach Dan
  2. Gibby…& letting Swift go
  3. Trust Brad & the growth strategy…as well as the picks…I saw this entire thing coming in year 1
  4. Making it to NFCChamp game last year
  5. Trusting the growth of the young’n’z
  6. Letting Williams (RB go)…& what Monty would be - exactly what I expected

What I was “no duh” right on (we all were)

  1. Sewell
  2. Hutch - mostly (he’s even better than I thought)
  3. Fox extension
  4. Holmes trading up to bring us more handsomeness

What I was wrong on

  1. Levi…so far (subject to change)
  2. CJGJ - thought he’d be more of a leader and producer - injury was big deal too though

What I’m right about that you guys dont’ know about yet (take notes men)

  1. BroMart
  2. Jamo
  3. Manu

I will die on this hill, my friend. With all due respect of course.

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you already did, bruh!

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin


No. I forget offhand but there is one other poster on here that calls him that. 2 vs The Den, I will very foolishly take those odds!

If it was Jack Fox, you’d win. Ain’t no monster-man with titan work ethic and blue collar values calling himself Broadway…Wayyyy to “Hollywood”


I disagree. Hollywood puts on a production. Broadway “puts on a show”, which is exactly what we want from him.

Also I’ve narrowed it down to Freebird and CatholicNinja lol. One of them.

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I’ve always preferred realness over show/showy.
Barry was real. Deion Sanders was show. Depth of character with the ferocity versus a ‘look at me’
Detroit ain’t Broadway.

I’m sure he would be happy AF that fans are talking about him like this, either way. :wink:


Broadway may be a show, but it has nothing to do with being showy. The point of a great Broadway play is that at end of it, there is a great applause.

That’s the point. Putting on a show that gathers applause and clapping naturally, not forced… Which is exactly what will happen if he shows out. Or gets a sack. Or stuffs a run 3-yards deep in the backfield.

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I love that you don’t equivocate your opinions @BigNatty! Hahaha!

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I too prefer realness over show but @BigNatty Deion is the best cornerback to ever strap up. He was deadly real. Literally took away half the field on 49ers defense in SB 29 victory. Then went to Dallas and took away half the field on THEIR SB 30 victory the very next year! He was absolutely a difference maker, supremely confident and entertaining because he truly was the greatest.

And as another greatest of all time who got dinged for talking and dancing too much famously said “Braggin’ ain’t braggin’ if you back it up.”

[That was Islamic philosopher and boxing legend Muhammad Ali for some of you young folks on the forum]

And for good measure, over a 14-year career, players always said Deion was a good locker room guy. He just knew football is an entertainment biz, so to quote him “Look good, feel good. Feel good, play good. Play good, pay good.”


The ski mask fascination is odd to me. Why do people care?


Not fascinated at all…it was just really stupid and worth laughing at. And you joke about everything @CuriousHusker last time I checked :joy:

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I was right on:

  1. Dan being the man from day 1.
  2. Brad
  3. Ben Johnson, his role w the offense from early on. His desire to stay in detroit despite offer etc.
  4. dan’s offensive IQ.
  5. Team’s vision and AG’S handicaps.
  6. Jared Goff NOT being a Bridge.

Things I was wrong about:

  1. jared Goff not being as good as stafford.
  2. Levi O being able to come back from that neck fusion.
  3. JAMO.
  4. Lions not wanting a rb early last draft.
  5. lions being happy w their tight ends going into last draft.
    6)lions defense being a top 10 overall defense last year.
  6. lots of other shit.