How many concerned about Cowboys game?

I am not feeling this one , I think we’ll struggle here again and eek out a W.

I’m not concerned the Boys are beatable and they have yet to meet a team that will punch them in the mouth.

We’re going to find out if they are cowboys or cowgirls.


Always a concern no matter the opponent. Cowboys are good, especially at home. Hope relies on our ability to run the ball down their throat. I’m predicting a Lion win. Usually that means an uglier win if it’s on the road.

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Not me!

I’m confident Dan will have the boys ready to go!

We’re great in prime time!

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I’m concerned about every team, but the Lions will have a 7-2 road win record when they leave Dallas.

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I am doing my best to have no expectations for any Lions games this season. I am willing to accept the outcome. Now i want the Lions to win but i am not expecting it.

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Number thing for my is hoping for no injuries and then a win would be wicked

Dallas should win, but they won’t.

Dallas should win because:

  1. Micah Parson wrecks games
  2. Dallas scores 40pts a game at home
  3. Ceedee Lamb is fantastic
  4. Dak is mobile

But they won’t because:

  1. Lions can both neutralize Parsons and reduce Dallas scoring opportunities by running the ball 40+ times
  2. When Kirby plays disciplined, deep shots get picked off
  3. When Dak runs knock the ish out of him (legally)

We’re tougher than Dallas, and this team won’t fold when the nonsense with the refs happens (that always does) in Jerry’s World.

Not concerned. Just excited. House money and it’s a great opportunity. The whole sports world will be watching.



The Cowboys are 10-5, have won 15 straight at home, have been one of the league’s three dominant teams by point differential (w/the 9ers and Ravens), and have incentives out the wazoo.

And, for this Lions’ fan, “not feeling this one” and “thinking they’ll struggle” nonetheless means a Lions win.

We’ve come a LONG, baby!

NGL I don’t really care nor expect us to win. I think we end up w the 3 seed, and at this point I’m much more concerned that we stay healthy heading into the playoffs then killing ourselves to get the 2 seed

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100%. This is the dream we’ve all hungered for since last January.

Really want to f the world? Let’s start Teddy!

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Not concerned. We get to host a playoff game. I’d love to get the 1 seed. I’d love to beat Dallas. But even if we lose, I just want it to be competitive

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I have no idea who is going to win this game, but I think the reason the Cowboys are favored is because they’re the Cowboys and we are the Lions.


I agree @Jason. This might be the calmest I will be for two games in years. Can they get the #1 or #2, sure, it’s possible. But on the flip side, they can’t lose the #3.

I’m very curious to see if the gameday thread actually calms down a little tomorrow, because my goodness it has been a nuclear wasteland the last six weeks or so.

Fun fact: Cowboys are 9-0 when scoring 1st and 1-5 when not. Win the toss go score and no friggin turnovers and we should pull it out.

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A lot of the handwringing should wane close to halftime. That’s when I leave for a party I have to attend. I’ll try to avoid updates–it may be impossible—and I’ll watch the end a couple hours later.

That’s not very fun :neutral_face:


Work Out Exercise GIF

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lol a self-aware man. Love it. Enjoy your party.

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