How many of the old school Goat QB's will be gone by 2023?

No more Brees, no more Big Ben , no more storied Vikings QB, seems like the new era of QB’s is coming.

I think the oldest remaining QB in the playoffs is Dak at 29, if that tells you anything.

But yeah, what a generation we got to experience. The best ever, hands down. Manning, Brees, Rodgers, Big Ben (piece of shit, but can throw), and, of course, the Goat.


Who is that guy!?

And Rodgers and Brady are nearing the end for sure.

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I feel a little bad for Cousins. He had a good year and played a good playoff game. Their defense is a dumpster fire and made Daniel Jones look like White Vick. What mojo did Holmes sprinkle to convince
them to trade for a TE when they so much more needed defensive help at the deadline?


Fran Tarkington


I was wondering when this day would come. I never expected Rodgers and Brady to play so long tbh I mean I was thinking about this when Stafford was still here.

For sure, basically like Goff when we started 1-6 and were losing 48-45 games because the defense was softer than melted butter. But, I don’t feel sorry for him…no no no! ■■■■ the Vikings!


Brady needs to play another few years to make back the money he blew in that bitcoin venture :grimacing:


Plus all the lawsuits pending. Brady to the Raiders in the gambling capital of the world to rejoin McDaniels throwing to Devontae Adams. Franchise Jacobs, who led the nfl in rushing and old man Brady gets the rushing attack he desperately needs. That’s my prediction anyways. And who is betting against Brady in Vegas!? Not me.


Matt Ryan is gone…

I’m a State fan. Cousins should not have come to the Black and Blue if he wanted sympathy.:laughing:


Brady is what 46? for some reason I see him retiring at 50.

46, 110. Not sure it matters.

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Doesn’t Brady have a zillion dollar broadcasting contract on the table just waiting for him to sign?


was thinking HE only has 3-4 seasons left.

talking old QB’s that won’t be around or are already gone…

Yep, that was reported for sure. He’s gotta win at least one more super bowl yet though.

Erin is getting up there as well…

I was replying to the posts saying Brady had to play another couple years to make up the Bitcoin money he lost.

Yeah, now that he doesn’t have a wedding ring, he has a bare finger.