How many of you think Frank Ragnow will be back in 2024?

The guy “seemingly” is supposed to be healthy enough to play—plays a quarter or so, then get’s re-injured over and over . I have always liked him-but it’s getting to a point of being silly to hang onto him…out yet again vs The Saints with a knee issue. my trust in his ability to remain healthy–is in serious question at this point.

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The GM is at blame…not Ragnow…

so…The GM got Ragnow injured?

No…he did not plan…

jim carrey alrighty then GIF

I advocated for drafting an C that could also play OG for us. I also wanted us to draft a CB.


Not seeing anything worthy to me…

But Holmes better account for Ragnows toe going forward…

Without a strong OL…

Lets just hope we keep the OL strong

Um, what’s Graham Glasgow?


I’m so confused. Outside of one season, Ragnow has missed 4 games in his entire career while being his usual Pro Bowl self and is still only 28 next season. Yeah, really need to get rid of that guy :roll_eyes:

With that said, they need to start drafting IOL starting this draft. Wouldn’t mind using one of the 3rds on a center/guard.


lol exactly. I was so confused.


Fords own the team my man.

ford GIF

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You aren’t wrong. He goes out every week with that toe and is a warrior. He happened to get hurt this week during the game so I’m not sure where @wolfcub36 is coming from.


Ycbme has been all over this whole team the past few days…

That said- he isn’t totally wrong here!

Decker- 30 yrs old… missed 25% of his games between 21-22’

Jackson- missed 15% of his games in 21-22’… this was last year’s his deal.

Ragnow- missed over 40% of his last 2 years, and has a “DEGENERATIVE TOE ISSUE THAT ISNT OPERABLE”. Tough or not, he has turf toe for life— he had it, and it was known late last year.

Big V- over 30, missed over 55% of 21-22” and contemplated retiring this off-season due to a chronic back

Sewell- stud with 2-3 years left and ready for record extension!!!

Yes they signed 31 year old Glasgow on a 1 year…some journeymen, and a RAW 5th rounder….

The fact is that 60% plus of the OL was shaky on paper prior to contact….


Brad -either per DC and AG support to our current group largely ignored the DL too…

Buggs- waiver claim short term deal

C Harris- cast off, and re-signed after nice 21’, but hurt and useless last year. Final year

Romeo- hurt and useless the last 2 years, final year.

Julian- borderline 53 man? Final year

Comish- cast off waiver claim, career high 4 sacks.

Levi O- degenerative back- zero last year, hurt when drafted. Hurt in off-season

Paschal- hurt a lot in college, hurt last year.

Houston- PS player elevated, played great, tried to make him change playing style?

Benito- cast off waiver claim…

  • which of these guys supporting Hutch and Alim seemed like solutions long term? Even short term?
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Seems like a pretty good plan, to me?
He’s started at Center and Guard on two NFL teams, and this is his second stint as teammate of Decker and Ragnow.

Unless Ragnow decides on his own to retire, he will be back on the team. His contract ensures that.


Curious you have “Detroit Lions” as your favorite team, per your profile page. You’re trolling is really becoming a boor.

At least try to be creative or humorous. Your jabs are like kids pushing each other on the playground.


Whats this have to do with Frank??? Lyonfan1

Bandaids for emergency
We know many of them will be gone.
Gotta draft some big uglies

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Man I thought it was just me.

Seems new and can’t stop raving about pack while taking shots at Lions.

It’s ok to be critical but this is reaching ex gf level.