How the Detroit Lions are shocking the world: They've learned how to land a knockout punch



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Just reading this now, I’m still old school read the sports section each morning with my coffee, lol.
Some good tidbits in this one.

How do you protect a suspect secondary?

Now, think about what happened in Tampa on Sunday.

Gibbs was out and Montgomery left the game with a rib injury.

So, they had to do it a different way.

After the spectacular Jameson Williams TD catch, which gave Detroit a 17-6 lead, the Lions had two drives that ate up nearly 11 minutes. All Tampa could muster between those two drives was a three-and-out wedged in between.

Want to know the best defense in the world? An offense that keeps the opposing team on the sideline. And that’s what the Lions did to the Buccaneers.

The drive only covered 45 yards and it ended in a punt. But they ate up nearly seven minutes of clock.

“One of the most significant drives we had was the one where we had to punt,” Campbell said. “But we almost milked out seven minutes and we were able to convert two third downs and they got it back with, whatever three minutes or something down two scores. I mean, that was a significant drive for our guys and in that type of game, with the lead that we had, that is significant. And sometimes you don’t always see those things, but I think we find a way.”

Yes, even if “the way” ends with a punt. So be it.

I think we know the right balance of chewing up the clock, but also continuing to convert and be just aggressive enough to try to keep that lead where it is, as much as you can," Campbell said.

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That drive that ate 7 minutes. I remember watching the clock just tick down on each play and it was like watching TB’s chance of winning circle down the drain.
“They’re strangling them with the clock” I said to my wife.

Mostly good writeup, but funny thing is that they get exactly what happened, except that they don’t mention once in the article how the ball managed to project itself through the air to those clock-eating first downs. There’s a name that’s missing from the entire article.

Dan Campbell knows. That’s why the game ball in the locker room.

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When you have Jack Fox… KOs are a given.

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