How the Seahawks' defense has authored a remarkable second-half turnaround

Major credit paid to Diggs here.

But I’m sure the fifth rounder we get will be of adequate value.


I’m sure we’ll be subjected to, “Hall of Famer Diggs!” quip (even though that’s the logical fallacy argument of a toddler), when ultimately, we’re just trying to paint a picture of an in-over-his-head GM that needs to be fired. Immediately.


We are all witnesses

I don’t think this trade was made thinking that adequate value was being received. The evidence seems to point to this being a trade made to just remove a dissenting voice from the locker room.

The only way that makes it better is if the results on the field improved.


There is no denying that Diggs was getting outplayed by Tavon Wilson. Quinn and Patricia are both terrible, but good organizations ship players out all the time without batting an eye.

Diggs was not making an impact here, and the Lions got something for him. He has been better with Seattle. Ones mans trash is another mans treasure. He’s been a treasure for Seattle but he was trash here this season and is limited in what he brings to the table. He has raised his level of play in Seattle. Going from Patricia to Pete Carroll is like going from 0-100.

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yep, you can only tell someone to shut up and toe the line so much. for your everyday working schmo it’s pretty easy to have that happen. millionaires who know someone else will sign them can keep yapping.

If the scheme eventually works maybe it was the right move to remove dissenting voices. But right now the defense is god awful. The move carries some collateral damage too. Slay and Diggs are best friends. Slay made it pretty clear he was not happy with the move and will be moving on when he can. That’s potentially two pro bowl players lost

Last year Diggs was one of the highest rated players according to PFF playing at a pro bowl level. This year he was playing through injury. After sitting a couple games in Seattle some of the old Diggs is showing up. He’s made some splash plays for them that helped win games

He’s still young and his talent isn’t what got him traded. At this point I have lost faith in Quintricia but I hope they can prove me wrong and turn things around

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We already have a thread for this shit.

oh, Nate…Great link to support a controversial, as well as still current story. Again great dig!

Well, another life lesson folks…

In life and in sports, you must be coachable and willing to coach; one without the other will leave you empty.

Diggs wasnt willing to be coached imho…

So he was traded. End of story for me

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There is no denying Diggs hamstring had been bothering him since week 4. The Hawks said he shouldn’t even been playing with it that bad.


Lol - edited

So the life lesson is that if you are not coachable, you will get sent into a better situation?


Haha. That made me laugh out loud


Wes has his moments

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Depends on your oerception.

He left… he got money… he is doing well… all short term…

Success is temporary- we will see how it goes…

This may be “good” short term but he may be missing out on something “better”…

We will see in time

Remember my perceptive here - Happiness, Serenity, fulfillment come from with in and in true relationships… not the football team you play a game on, or money or forgetting my reputation ( how others see me ) is not the same as may character ( what I see when look in the mirror ) … they are different.

I might not know much but in the decades I have watched football I have learned that sometimes the worst looking moves turn out to brilliant and the most brilliant looking moves turn out to be disastrous and it always takes time to figure out which way the wind blows.

That’s exactly what it was but …

You have a team leader, captain, a locker room guy. A guy who apparently disagreed with some of the direction the team was taking. Instead of listening … egos get in the way and we send him packing. Maybe those with the big egos should look in the mirror and listen to what your team leadership is telling you?

Naw… let’s just keep sending those guys packing… that’s how you lose the team… and I think that is exactly what has happened here. When Glover Quin states on the radio about how he doesn’t think this team will go to bat for its coach than you know MP has lost the respect of the team. If MP isn’t sent packing this offseason than I think next year is gonna be worse. I honestly don’t buy the story that MP and BQ are a lock to stay. Wait until players start talking to ownership. If players like Slay step up then I think MP’s days are numbered.


That’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say he was Uncoachable.