How would you view it?

Let’s say that Young is sitting there at 3OA, but Sonia Herbert or Tua.

If the Lions sit tight and take Young while passing up let’s say a sweet deal for two first from the Dolphins…how would you view Quinn?

Conversely what if we took the package and passed on Young?

I know we have to look at who else is on the board, but let’s look at this in a vacuum and what would your gut opinion on both scenarios be?

I feel like they know better than me.
But…I want the trade down.


It’s difficult to pass up potentially a game changing talent regardless of how good the trade is. I would understand both situations.

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The thing is it’s highly unlikely they get to choose between Young and a Stellar trade down.

Assuming Burrows goes one.
Washington is going to get the choice of a trade or Young. They will take one or the other but for arguments sake let’s say they trade with MIA and get two firsts in the trade. Mia takes Tua

The Lions are on the clock with Young sitting there. Several teams call and offer a trade down. Teams wanting to trade up for Young and maybe even Herbert. I think most GM’s would draft Young in this scenario but let’s say that Car wants Herbert bad and is willing to sell the farm (doubt it) but BQ takes the trade. NYG or Wash will take Young. We will get to talk about how we could have had Young and Oliver. Instead we got a TE and an OL.

Seriously, the waterboy could be the GM in this scenario and come out well. (Pun intended)

Option 1: Chase Young
Option 2: pick 5 and 18 where pick 5 is still guaranteed to have either Young, Okudah or Brown.

That’s being dealt a pat hand right there.


If anyone can screw it up we can… lol

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But my question is…what would your gut feeling be?

Do you view Young as so good that you are fine passing up a second 1st…or would you be super pissed off if we didn’t take the trade because 2 should be better then 1

We likely will never know what the trade offers were, we still don’t know what was offered for #8 last year. I’ve stated before that I’m on the fence on whether or not I’d take Young @ 3 or take the extra picks…if it’s 5 and 18, I’m taking the trade. If it’s 5, 2 2nds and a 3rd, I’m taking Young.

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My opinion is that Young is the best player in the draft. He’s a no-brainer pick by itself. However, Miami holds quite a hand. Pick 5 still leaves you in legit blue-chip territory. Pick 18 sweetens the deal significantly because you might still see a player with a legit 1st round grade. (Keeping in mind that a good year has about 17 players who actually grade out as 1st round talent).

Young > Okudah or Brown
Young < Okudah+Jefferson or Brown+Jefferson (for instance)

As GG says, if it’s not 5+18, then I’m not trading. Those picks represent Blue Chip + 1st rounder. You move below 5 and you move out of Blue Chip. You move below 18 and you’re picking a player with a 2nd round grade. No combination of 1st round grade + 2nd round grade is greater than Young.


Chase Young had an unusual season.

9.5 sacks in 7 gms against lesser competition.

7.0 sacks against Nos. 8 & 13 Penn State & Wisconsin (regular season).

0.0 sacks in last 3 gms against Michigan, Wisconsin (Big10 Championship gm) & Clemson.

Honestly, not sure what to think of him.


That’s the truth.

  1. Exceptionally fast off the line to blow by offensive lineman and get to the QB, He controls the matchup from the start.

  2. rare defensive prospect with an elite skillset Chase has few limitation or any other minor concerns.

  3. Comes to every game ready to give it his all and batter opposing offenses no matter what the score.

  4. uses sideline to sideline speed to chase down ball carriers, has the size and strength to deal with BIG opponents .

  5. Very good tackler , wraps his target up and hauls them to the ground.

  6. Young uses his hands very effectively to prevent opponents from locking onto his frame and immobilizing him.

  7. Chase is a game-wrecking edge that possesses a near unstoppable speed rush.

  8. First Team All-American , Phil Steele and 2019 Chuck Bendarik Award Watch List for Nations Top Defensive Player.

  9. Young led the nation in sacks with 16.5 and was named A Heisman Trophy Finalist (2019).

  10. He has a combination of speed, strength, and athleticism to fit any defensive scheme.

just what scouts and draft writers have said about him Googling several sites.

I love Young. I’m ok with taking him > any other move.

I mean, 5 and 18 to me is Kinlaw or Brown or Okuda and Kenneth Murray. Tasty.

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I would tip my hat if he took Young because he might give the team the quickest biggest impact in the draft.

I would also give him credit for taking Tua because it would show that he won’t always take the safe pick.

The Michigan game he was the focus , he saw double teams almost all game in situations that screamed pass 3rd down especially and even with the double teams often saw a 3rd blocker with a chip from the RB …the same can be said for the later 2 games …

I also put a lot of stock into just how much a prospect like Chase and other high prospects get a little timid toward the end of the season when that Guaranteed Lotto Money is so close and how much they have to lose due to an injury . I know I would be.


How do you see it shaking out, brother?

I haven’t seen a ton of Jeudy talk…to me, that guy is a friggin’ monster too.

How far could we legitimately trade back and still get one of

That’s a good question.
Probably 7 if Carolina wanted to move up for a QB.

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Its a gamble but very plausible

if it’s a +900 on the trade chart trade or Young I think I’d take the former.

I assume since we’re suggesting that Young is still available let’s say that trade is with the Chargers for Herbert. That means we’re getting 1, 2, 3 and next year’s first and third. Hard to say no to that IMO.

Short of a massive overpay though, I’m taking Young.